{Chapter 5}

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“Have you ever felt so drained that you want to just sleep 24/7? That you couldn’t even lift your head up? That’s exactly how Poppy feels right now. She can’t deal with the pressure and the panic that is swelling in her chest with your presence.” I overhear Damon muttering, I peek through the key hole and can only see Damon and someone else’s hip line. I see a band being raised and immediately recognise the twisted leather bracelet wrapped around the mystery person’s wrist. After a moment, the other hand jolts up and begins to nervously wring the small leather bracelet.

 “Look, I know you’re trying to help, but you have to consider Poppy’s health and Aurora’s sanity. Things aren’t like they used to be Trey.” Damon exclaims, confirming my suspicions. I hear a sigh and immediately scurry away, knowing their conversation is nearing an end. I plop into the armchair and begin flicking through the channels just as the door into the living room squeaks open to reveal Damon and a deflated looking Trey. I advert my eyes from the duo to the TV screen which is displaying nothing but ads right now.

 "Damon, when's Hugh returning? I miss him already!" I exclaim, turning to Damon who has a twinkle in his eye. "He'll be around tomorrow, y'know he's at work." The words slip through his lips without any problems and I know he's excited to see Hugh again.

"Okay" I smile at Damon and turn to face the TV again. I laugh as I watch the TV having seen this episode before it gives me a chance to just zone out and not pay attention to my surroundings. I yawn, stretching my arms above my head. My eyes slowly start to get heavier and heavier until they close completely and I'm drawn into complete darkness.


"Trey! Stop!" I squeal, whacking at his hands that are resting on my hips he just continues to chuckle as his hands continue to assault my sides. "Trey! I'm going to kill you!" I shout, trying to peel his vice like grip off of me but to no prevail, I'm left being tickled to death.

"Why is it you're always in trouble with me?'" His husky voice purrs out basically turning me into a pile of jelly and leaving my brain an incomprehensible mess. I shake my head not knowing how to answer but giggle as I feel my back come into contact with the soft cushions of the couch. I can feel Trey's legs either side of my hips and look up to see my best friends brother straddling me. She'd kill me if she knew.

"Aurora" He says his lips inching dangerously closer to my own. I quickly turn my head to the side as his lips come into contact with my cheek and I begin laughing my head off, knowing he wasn't expecting to be turned down.

"Just cause you say my name isn't to say that you can deprive me of air." I whisper, gently pushing Trey off of me and laughing as he easily collapses off me and onto the ground. He groans dropping his head onto the ground and throwing his large hands over his face.

"You are such a tease, you're going to kill me soon" He mumbles through his hands causing another round of giggles to fall through my lips. I roll onto my side, looking down at Trey who is glaring and pouting at me


I jump as I feel my arm being shaken. I whip my head around and open my eyes seeing an excited looking Poppy and Damon. Immediately I raise my eyebrow at the two, slightly afraid of what they could be planning considering how excited they both seem. Neither of them say a  word, they just kept their Cheshire grins on their faces and I try not to laugh at the duo.

 "What are you two planning? It better not be a date or the apocalypse" I say, looking them both in the eyes and narrowing my eyes knowingly. This is going to annoy me or I'm going to throw a hissy fit.

 "Nothing!" Damon sings and I look at him raising my eyebrow yet again, I look around me and see nothing out off the ordinary. My curiousness kicks into overdrive when I see that Trey is no where to be seen.

 "Where's pig brain and what are you keeping from me? You know it can't stay hidden for long with me around." I say, looking between my best friends. Damon sighs in defeat and faces Poppy who begins to rapidly shake her head at me.

 "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! You can't tell her! You promised!" Poppy exclaims, clamping a hand over Damon's blabber mouth. Poppy begins to shake her head and I laugh. I tackle Damon and pin him down hoping to get some information out of him, he chuckles but otherwise raises his hand to his lips and pretends to zip them shut.

 "Ow" I whip my head around to see Poppy clutching to the edge of the chair I had previously been occupying. I quickly jump up and rush over to her, placing one hand on her back and the other holding her free hand up.

 "I'm okay, I'm okay" She insists, swatting away my hand but I keep my grasp on her. I sigh, deciding to lead her towards her bedroom, knowing that she's down playing her symptoms.

 "Tough, you're going to rest and then tell me what you have planned" I state, not leaving any room for argument. Damon catches Poppy's other arm and we both lead her towards her bed, knowing it's better that she rest now. Once we had her laying in her bed, I pull up one of the chairs in the room to beside her and I rest my head on the edge of the bed.

 "What are you two attempting to keep a secret from me?" I ask, glancing between my two best friends who look at each other as if they're have a telepathic conversation.

 "Okay, but you have to promise not to go shooting the idea down, or to freak out when we tell you." Poppy pleads, looking at me with her renowned puppy dog eyes.  I sigh, nodding in agreement/

 "Well, I wanna do a bucket list, of things I've always wanted to do" Poppy says, a gleam in her eye and I can't help but smile at her. Her enthusiasm makes me when to complete everything on her bucket list come true, no matter what.

 "Okay, I'll help you do it, but anything that is too difficult for you to do, It's left to Damon and I, okay?" I negotiate, knowing how stubborn the little brunette in front of me can be. She nods feverently and I smile at her.

 "One other thing, Trey is helping." She says, wincing as she sees my annoyed face. I can feel the annoyance and irritation coming forward with the mention of his name.

 "It's only because Poppy wants my help" I hear ring through the air, I slowly turn my head to face the entrance to the bedroom and see Trey, I glare at him and decide to myself, there has to be ground rules. I stand up, grabbing Trey's wrist on the way out onto the patio. I securely close the door behind me, even if Poppy can see us, doesn't mean she can hear us.

 "Popppy wants us to get alone, fne, we can pretend.Now let's set some boundaries and ground rules."

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