Part 1

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"BEEETTTHHHHAAAAAANNN!!!" I screamed. My legs were shuddering with excitement. Today was most probably going to be one of the most exciting of my life so far.

I was meeting Tom Hiddleston at the Thor 2 premiere in London. I'd see him again in January in Oculanus, but this'd be my first time meeting the man who'd turned my life into an unproductive mess with his deep blue eyes and dreamy smile; his gorgeous accent, his golden hair...


Bethan was waving her hand rapidly in front of my eyes.

I grinned and ran to the kitchen unit of my apartment.

The whole place was a tip, as our flat was covered in popcorn pieces and all we did was put duvets all over the floor of my flat near the TV. Marvel movie marathons and gossiping about Tom and her imaginary husband Chris Hemsworth.

I still remembered pressing rewind and play on the remote multiple times because she wanted to see his abs.

Pressing the on button of my iPod dock so 'Oh No' by Marina and the Diamonds was playing full blast, I grabbed my hairbrush and began screaming/singing into it, thrusting Bethan's into her hand and jumping on the duvets.

"I know exactly what I want and who I want to be

I know exactly why I walk and talk like a machine

I'm now becoming my own self-fulfilled prophecy

Oh, oh no, oh no, oh no"

And collapsing all over the place with Bethan in a major fit of giggles.

She ran to my room and I followed.

The walls were full of posters of the Avengers, and Tom Hiddleston. The walls of her room were the same, but with Chris Hemsworth.

She stole my red and gold nail varnishes quickly before sitting on my bed and beginning to paint them, while I plugged in my straighteners and sat next to her, running them through my bedhead.

"What would you do if Chris spotted you and pulled you out from the crowd?" I giggled to her, running my brush through my hair simultaneously.

"I'd freaking faint! I wouldn't be able to stand!"

"You think he'd catch you in his arms?"

She proceeded to make a few giddy noises before laughing and adding another coat to her nails.

My ombred hair fell down my back in a smooth path.

"What about Tom then babe?"

I collapsed on my bed in a fit of laughter.

"Well, I am the future Mrs Hiddleston." I said in a sarcastic matter-of-fact tone.

"Uhm, excuse me, future Mrs Hemsworth here!" she was in a sassy mood.

sassy Bethan is a good Bethan.

I checked Tom's Twitter, and there were no new tweets.

Only a few more hours before possibly the best few hours of my entire life.

And I was honestly so pumped I felt like I was gonna piss myself.

We switched some Lana del Rey on and began moaning along to 'Young and Beautiful' draped in swishy blankets spinning around the room watching Tom interviews (I won the rock paper scissors) on the internet telly

and debating on whether to get dressed now or later,

and on what to eat for lunch,

and whether to get lunch here or out,

and whether we should wear our matching Avengers t shirts.

My head was clouded with all the bus and train timetables Bethan was making so I stepped out onto the balcony.

Still nothing on Tom's twitter.

I sighed, still hoping we'd get to meet our Asgardian Princes.

Dark grey clouds covered the busy London sky.

When I recieved an alert onto my phone. stating Tom had tweeted. Checking it, even though he had posted an old tweet again, it still made me smile.

"Song of the Day: "Friday I'm In Love", by The Cure. Friday I'm in Love. With London. Home."

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