Part 11

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Bethan's face; a mix of pure shock and horror literally made me laugh till I couldn't feel my stomach. She was rapidly scrolling through the webpages, desperately looking for some way to delete it or something which I think she knew deep down wasn't possible but the hope was still there.

"How the HELL do I get this shit off here?!"

"You don't."

"I''ve tried everything! Chris will be MORTIFIED!"

"When you try your best a

but you don't succeed."



Bethan left the flat looking like she was about to burst into tears.

"Bethan,' I called out.

"Yes?" She sounded hopeful.

"You forgot your phone."

She slammed the door.

I immediately felt a tiny bit guilty considering what she had been through today.

I got up and checked my phone.

7 missed calls.

I rung back the first number, but it was a solar energy salesman so no thank you.

The second number was management, so were the next 4.

And the last two were from Tom.

I called back Tom first. He'd be less likely to kill me.

"Mr Hiddleston?"

"Mrs Hiddleston, hello." I could practically hear the smile in his tone.

"You called?"

"Can Bethan please talk to Chris? They need to sort something out, seriously. This is going to get 10x worse if not."

"She left the flat because I was using the humor of coldplay songs at her disposal."

"That's got you written all over it."

"I'm sorry?"

How the heck did he know it had me written all over it? I'd barely even met him, really!

The line went dead, and I decided I had better go chase Bethan down the road.

Just as I left my apartment, I picked up a tiny parcel that lay outside the door and opened it slowly. I never remembered ordering anything.

Inside was a box and inside the box was a ring.

I laughed.

They were really taking this seriously.

I slipped the ring on my ring finger, examining the gold and the diamond that lay in the centre. It was a basic ring, but it must've cost a fortune. The ring was a little big though around the edges, so I made a mental note quickly to pad it out a tad.

I was very touched.

"Thanks for the gift. Very thoughtful. x"

Sending the message to Tom and praying Bethan got one before continuing out into the rain as fast as a woman could in 5 inch chunky heeled shoes.

She was sat on a bench under some shelter, on the phone. As soon as she saw me, she mouthed that there were guys with cameras around the bend and she finished on the phone. I speedwalked to the bench where she was sat and sat next to her. A ring glistened on her ring finger too. Bethan smiled when she saw mine and gave a small wave to the cameras, showing the ring fully to the 4 waiting photographers. Her mascara amazing, no smudges or anything; as was the rest of her makeup, and her smile was as fake as anything.

She was still pissed at me, and the fact there were cameras everywhere.

"I've just been on the phone to Chris. We're all going for Indian tonight at 8." Bethan said quietly, pretending to text.

"Its 7 now."



We both calmly stood up, I dryly laughed, and ran out into the rain. My shoes were pretty much ruined, and Bethan's coat was soaked through.

Arriving back at the flat after taking the piss scented elevator in complete silence, we both ran to our rooms in a hurry. Bethan was singing E.T.; and I was watching Star Trek while we both got ready.

In the end, I put my hair in some rushed waves; and I wore a long red dress. Ready miles before Bethan I went to stand outside her door.

"Bethan, come on we literally have to be there in 5 minutes you little fucker!"

She stepped out in a long golden dress, fingers wrapped tightly around a bronze clutch and her hair in a gorgeous chignon.

"Do I look ok?"

"You look fabulous. Now let's go get a cab."

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