Cape cod 14:06

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Now Carmen, our main character, has suffered a lot. She has been in twelve near death experiences in the last month, ( pretty deadly, right?) But that is just the beginning... This sixteen year old has a ninth grade education (what a rock) But she has managed to survive on her own for quite a while now. Now our story finally begins at a rusty gas station in Cape cod at exactly 14:06 ( don't you just LOVE military time?) So while you are using your fingers to figure what time it is, Carmen is hiding behind a case of expired Twinkies and flat soda. She silently rubs the Charlie horse on her left leg. She has been waiting in this stupid position for hours. All she needed to do is wait until the cyborgs left the area and she can make her escape. Faint screams filled the air, and every time it makes Carmen cringe with fear. Her thick, black hair was in a messy braid and her bronze skin was smudged with oil and mud stains. Carmen used to be embarrassed of her ethnicity, but when she started high school everyone was different and so diverse( and, I mean, who doesn't love a Native American chick?) She finally heard silence. It was so silent you could hear a pin drop. This was her chance. She stumbled up off the ground and grabbed her back pack. Before she left, she found a key chain that said "loving the Cape!" And she stuffed it in her shorts pocket. It is a thing she does, every city, state, or town she goes to she takes a key chain to remind her of her struggle in the past years. ( pretty nifty, huh?) Crunching on the gravel up to her red Jeep, she starts the ignition and slowly drives ( like slower than grandma drives) to her next hideout. There wasn't any traffic( obvi!) But she still felt like there was something holding her back. She hit the brakes. And there he stood ( no, not Edward Cullen) but the guy might as well be. I know I'm the narrator but DANG Carmen!! Girll you better tap that! ( okay I'm done...where was i? Oh yeah, Hot guy in the middle of the road) Carmen's eyes grew big. He walked slowly to her rusty car, not saying a word. Carmen's heart was racing, was this man a cyborg? It has been years since the poor teen has seen a cyborg up close. (It was during those near death experiences I was talking about)
"I hope you know you have a flat tire," the man smirked. Carmen was so caught up with escaping that she hadn't  even noticed.
"Oh.. Um...." Carmen stammered.
"Do you need any help?" The man smiled and went to the back of her Jeep to check things out.
"What's your name?" She asked, trying to break the eerie silence.
"K." He grunted as he managed to fix the deflated tire.
"Pardon? Did you just say k?"
"Affirmative, K is my name." Carmen turned to find K leaning against her Jeep.
"You've got to be kidding me, what type of person names their child K?" Carmen laughed. (I was thinking the same thing... Why not Q or even X, that my friend, is sexier than K) but, K just nodded.
"I was born an orphan, but then when the whole Styles thing happened, he took everyone out of the foster homes and drained their memory. I was quickly turned into a cyborg shortly after. But I managed to escape and fix myself up and the only thing I remembered apart of my name was K." He sighed.
"I'm so sorry. If it makes you feel better, K is really not bad compared to other names I have heard." (Liar) K smiled.
"Well...aren't you going to tell me yours?"
"My name?"
"No your blood type...of course your name!"
"Oh..Carmen" She said as her face flushed with red because of her ignorance.
"That is a very pretty name, Carmen." Silence fell between them once again.
"Um...your tire is all good now.." K said wiping off his hands. He was just so handsome. His eyes were dark brown, the same as his messy hair. His skin was marked with scratches and dirt.
"Thanks, you can tag along with me? If you think you can outrun the cyborgs on foot, you have another thing coming."
"I don't know Carmen, I mean, you could be a serial killer." K snickered as he climbed into the Jeep.
"Well your going to have to wait and see..." Carmen playfully retorted, and the two drove off into the polluted sunset and they had many adventures together! That is something I wish I could say... But sadly, this is where there trouble begins(or technically continues)
Night covered the sky like a blanket and Carmen and K drove into the city of Boston.
"Carmen, you've been driving for a long time now and your eyes are red, please let me drive?" K begged.
"I'm fine, okay? We just need to find a place to stay for the night."
"I know a place, just outside the city... But you have to let me drive." Carmen sighed and stopped the car in the middle of the road( good thing not many cars are out, we wouldn't want pretty boy to get squished into ugliness)

After switching places, K turned around and headed for the darkest part of town. Stray dogs ran up and down allies, while refugees set up tents that lined up the streets. Soon, they arrived at what seemed like a run down warehouse. Old newspapers and beer bottles littered the yard(well, what was left of it of coarse)
"What is this place?" (Didn't you hear me Carmen? I swear you are the slowest person I know!)
"Well I'm sorry! How was I supposed to know, I'm not the narrator who supposedly knows everything before the characters do!" (I just said it was  warehouse, did I not?)
"I didn't quite hear you. Maybe you should speak up!"
"Who are you talking to Carmen?" Asked K.
Carmen stared blankly into the night sky with her fist in the air. (Not so smart now, huh Carmen?)
"Shut up!" Carmen sneered.
"Okay, okay just asking!" K knocked on the door and a tall red headed guy opened it. He had gray eyes and a stubbly chin. His right arm was in a sling.
"Welcome, brother K." The guy said with a dark voice.
"Hello, Trevor, nice to see your arm is" K introduced Carmen and explained to her that the warehouse was Headquarters for a secret society. The society protected people from Cyborgs and Harry Styles by providing shelter, food, and supplies. They also had different bases around the country, so Carmen won't have to hideout in old gas stations.
"Are you hungry, Carmen?" Trevor asked. Her stomach growled.
"I guess I can eat something."  She walked in and all different types of people sat at small tables eating and talking silently. K pulled out a chair for her (#Baegoals)
"There isn't quite much on the menu, so I don't think it will take long to order" He smirked.
"Actually," Trevor interrupted.
"Food supply has been short lately...all we have is Ramen noodles and bread." K's smile faded.
"We are grateful for whatever you give us, Trevor." Carmen immediately loved this about him. She never met a guy who cared about other people's well being, maybe it was just their cruel society that prevented her from this.
When the food came out, Carmen quickly grabbed her fork and dug in. It has been months since her last hot meal(that wasn't because of to the story people)The noodles, *gives second for ignorant people to laugh hysterically*  were served in a Styrofoam bowl with a slice of white bread on the side. Water was served in a small mouth wash cup.
"Do you want to see the best part of this place?"
"I have nothing better to do." Carmen said while getting up from her seat. After climbing two flights of stairs(and an exceptional amount of ladders) Carmen and K finally reached the attic.
"Close your eyes.." Carmen hesitated, but she knew deep down that she could trust him. Walking slowly on the wood floor(with the guidance of K) she suddenly stopped when her body hit cold air.
"You can open now" K's husky voice said, and he was right. It was the most amazing thing she ever saw. They stood on a small balcony on the roof, but it wasn't where they stood that amazed her. It was the stars that splotched all over the night sky. They shone bright like diamonds(no pun intended).
"Wow...this is beautiful.." Carmen said with amazement.
"I knew you would like it," K smiled.
"Well...I'm going to hit the hay, Carmen"
"Okay, I think I will stay here a little while longer if you don't mind.." K shrugged and waved Good night before squeaking his way back downstairs. Carmen went back to looking at the stars. If only her mom was here to see this. Her mother knew all the Constellations and the names of each star. You might be thinking "Why isn't she crying or something?" But Carmen wasn't sad at all. She thought as if the stars were a gift from her mom as a sign that everything was okay. That there is hope in their world.

The camera focuses on Carmen on a wrecked balcony.
"Aweee, the poor girl misses her mommy!" Harry taunted.
"We might just have to pay her a little visit......W! B! Round up the troops and can someone please get me a soy latte! We are headed to Boston!"


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