Chapter 10: Last Minute Christmas Shopping

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I squinted my eyes and looked around.
Morning already?
I looked at Lucy, she was in my arms sound fully sleeping. I laid Lucy's head in my lap, and I sat up and rubbed my eyes.
I looked down at Lucy, her eyes were still closed. Huh? She dreams about me?
I felt my face heat up hotter than usual. I sighed damn this stupid Mating Season. Someone knocked on the door, I stood up and opened the door and there stood Mira and Laxus.
"Morning Natsu, is Lucy awake yet?"
"Nope, sorry Mira"
"Oh, that's ok. Just tell when she wakes up to meet us girls in the lobby we are going last minute Christmas Shopping!"
Mira walked into the elevator. Laxus looked at me.
"Get dressed man, we're going shopping just us guys. And I'm not taking no for and answer. "
He walked off and I sighed.
I turned around, this time Lucy was awake when she said my name. I gave her my signature grin and said "Morning Luce, you should get dressed. You and the girls are going Christmas Shopping. "
She smiled at me and stood up.  She grabbed her towel and walked into the bathroom.
She stuck her head back out the bathroom and blushed.
"Um, Natsu this a totally not related question not relating to Christmas at all but, name at least 7 things you would want for Christmas".
(A/N: We all know how dense Natsu is so he has no clue that Lucy wants to buy him gifts)
I thought about it for a second, "Well I don't really care. It's kinda the thought that counts."
She smiled widely and said "Thanks!"
And went back to showering. I took my clothes off and sprayed my self with some cleaning lacrima. I put on my usual clothes and yelled out "SEE YA LATER LUCE!!"
I walked out of our room and into the elevator.
"Ground Floor, elevator".
"Going to ground floor".
Oh no I forgot to take my motion sickness pills!
I ran over to the doors and pried them open. I opened the door to my room to only see Lucy walking out the bathroom.
She was wearing her usual crop top with frilly sleeves and a mini skirt with knee high socks. She had her hair in pigtails and a black and white tiny bag on her back.
"Oh, hey Natsu you forgot to take your motion sickness pills right. And you probably forgot your money too."
She looked down at her feet as I burst out laughing.
"G-gomen, I didn't mean to I-"
"It's fine Lucy, it's pretty great that you remember all this stuff about me. Cause if you didn't I wouldn't remember myself."
She laughed and handed me my pills and some water. I chugged them down and grabbed my money.
I walked out the door and Lucy followed behind me. We walked into the elevator and headed towards the lobby. There waiting for us was the rest of our friends.
Mira whistled, "Listen up minna. You guys are getting the Christmas Tree. Us girls are getting the ornaments and snacks. But, we all still have to get each other gifts. Ok, see you guys later come on ladies!"
All the girls walked out, leaving us guys not having a clue where to go and shop. Gray broke the silence and said "So......where do we go now?"
We left the boys in the lobby, not knowing where to shop. I giggled imagining their clueless faces. Erza looked at me "What's the matter Wendy?"
"I'm just imagining the boys clueless faces. They are not familiar with gift shopping I'm guessing, so they will probably get us crappy gifts from stores they like."
We all started to laugh but, it started to fade away. Knowing we will all get stupid presents from them.
"But, one of the guys has to know one good store. And that is way better then nothing."
It was no one other than Lucy. I really admired her and the other girls around the guild. I also admire Natsu-san. He is the most powerful dragonslayer there is. And he is like a big brother to me, I am really grateful for Fairy Tail.
We all walked down stellar avenue and followed Mira into the shop called 'Christmas Soul'. The place was amazing, so many Christmas decorations and snacks.
Mira grabbed a couple of shopping scooters.
"Alright girls we are splitting into groups of 2. One group will look for the Christmas ornaments and decorations. Another group will take the utensils and plates and bowls and such. And the last group will get snacks and the Christmas tree. Because it's pretty obvious that the boys will forget to do it. I'll will just text Laxus and tell him to just get some stuff to cook."
Erza sat down on one of the scooters "Juvia and I will take the utensils and such. Let's go Juvia".
Juvia sat behind her and Erza started the scooter. Mira called after her "The utensils and such are in aisle 26, Erza!"
Levy grabbed my hand "Wendy and I will get the ornaments and decorations."
I sat down in the front seat and Levy sat behind me. I started the scooter and Mira walked up next to us an said "You can check aisle 37 and 28 they have a whole bunch of varieties."
I looked at the aisles they only went up to 25. Before I could ask Mira, pointed upwards. They had floating aisles, and I noticed on the handlebar it said 'fly.
"You ready Wendy?"
I pushed that button and we went flying upwards right to aisle 25.
Levy and Wendy flew upwards towards aisle 25, leaving me with Lucy. She walked towards me and smiled "Are you ready to go Mira".
"Yup, let's go Lucy".
I sat at the back of the drivers seat and Lucy looked at me confused "You're not going to drive?"
"Nope, I'll just guide you to the aisles and we'll get the stuff together."
"If you say so."
Lucy sat in front of me and she pressed the 'fly' button. The scooter shot off in the air swerving and taking unbelievable dips. I grabbed onto her waist and yelled "Lucy do you have any experience with flying?"
"......Nope, not at all!!!"
We both screamed as we dipped and swerved through aisles and dodged people. Lucy grabbed a spirit key,
"Open Gate Of The Goat, Capricorn!!"
"Hello Lucy-sama, Mira-sama are you in need of assistance?"
Lucy looked at me and I looked back at her.
"What you're not going to tell him?"
She sighed and looked at Capricorn "We need help flying this scooter".
Instead of getting straight to it he burst out laughing "Bla-ha-ha! I told you to just pay attention but, you didn't."
I looked at Lucy, "What is going here?"
She sighed, "A couple weeks ago, Capricorn got me some sort of flying thing from the celestial spirit world. And was trying to teach me how to--
"I was going to say drive, but--
"No, look I mean DUCK!!"
I pointed at a large number of people hovering around in a big group. Capricorn grabbed the handles and pulled us up and over.
Thank Mavis for Celestial Spirits!!
"Mira-sama what aisle are you heading for?"
"Uh, you can go to aisle 30 first, we need a Christmas Tree."
He flew the scooter perfectly, up to aisle 30 and picked up a gigantic Christmas Tree. He plopped it in the back cart and disappeared. Lucy yelled out, "What the hell Capricorn, you're supposed to be helping us!!"
A faint voice said, "Mira-sama knows how to fly this, there is no longer a need for me too be here".
Lucy climbed over me onto the backseat  and I shifted to the front seat. Lucy held onto my waist and we flew off towards aisle 21 the Christmas Snacks.
Lucy grabbed some cookies, popcorn, and sour skittles. She sat back down and I looked at her, "Seriously Lucy we have 3 dragonslayers, 6 boys, and me, Erza, and you. Do you really think that some cookies, popcorn, and skittles are going to cut it?"
She sighed, "You're right".
She dropped 5 of each snack on the shelf, in the cart. We even flew down towards the baking aisle and picked up some DIY pizza and muffins.
I flew the cart back down to the  ground, Lucy got out and started to push it on her own. It seemed as if we were not the group who overdid themselves, the other girls had items piling on both their back carts and front. We all laughed at the fact that we all had like a million things in our cart.

We payed for the things and we walked out of the store. I noticed an entire street that we could finish our present shopping quickly. All we need to do is wrap them and, I stopped, "MATTE MINNA!!"
Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked back at me. "Is everything alright Mira-san?"
"We forgot the GIFT WRAPPING PAPER!"
Everyone sweat dropped, "Seriously?!?!!"
I ran back inside the store and bought some yards of gift wrapping paper and came back outside. We all walked in and out of stores buying presents. It was so...... BORING!! I mean buying stuff for other people is so hard! Especially for the guys, if you buy them something bad, they throw it out and BAM! Money wasted, or if you get what they want, they expect you to get them something else..., UGH men!

We struggled into the lobby with a million bags in our hands. I turned into She Devil and helped Erza carry the Christmas Tree.
We bustled into the elevator, leaving no breathing space for each other. "The Elevator Ride of Doom", felt like us not moving. AT ALL!Levy was grinning non-stop because she didn't feel it. By the time we reached our floor it was 11:35. And waiting at the top we our guys.
"WENDY!!!? How was your day?"
We all looked at our phones. 2,159 missed calls and 7,543 texts from Laxus!?? Talk about overprotective.
The only girl with without over 10 calls was Wendy and the only time Romeo called her was to ask how many presents did she want for Christmas. Unbelievable!!
Natsu grabbed Lucy's arm, "Luce Heartfillia you are grounded for the rest of the night"
He started dragging her away she put her other arm out towards me, "Gomen, but I know you can decorate without me."
I was about to run after but, Laxus grabbed my other arm. I was still in my she devil mode, I growled at him. Which only made him say, " Mirajane Strauss, you're grounded for the rest of the night as well!"
"Shrimp McGarden, you too!"
"You too, Juvia Lockser!!"
"And you too Scarlet!!"
"Um, You are grounded Wendy let's go!"
Wait they can't ground us!! We need to prepare our Christmas Things!!
I noticed on the other side of the room, the boys had their gifts wrapped already. But, they didn't cook the food!! I guess it's better then having crispy food.
"Is this working right??"
"Erza!! You I can hear you"
"Erza how are you communicating telepathically?!!"
"And Juvia!"
"And me, Levy".
"It's me too Wendy!!"
"Ok, listen up girls I have a plan. Make sure you are awake at around 1:30. I will text you guys the signal, and we can set up Christmas!"
"Great idea Erza-san!!"
"Juvia likes it too!"
"Alright it's settled then, see you guys tonight!!"
"See you"
Will Erza's brilliant plan work? Will the girls get caught? How will they escape their protective mates?

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