Authors Note

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So I'm sorry to inform all of you readers but I will not be finishing my story. I will add more to the last chapter to make it the ending.

I'm just kidding! I wouldn't do that to you guys, not after how I left the last chapter just hanging! You have to admit I had you pretty scared, pissed, or you might even be dead now... if you died I am sorry ._. maybe the next chapter will bring you back?

I just wanted to post and let you all know what was going on since a few of you were wondering about another chapter. There will be ONE FINAL CHAPTER and I will be sure to make it the best chapter you have read. So with that said, If I am going to make it the best chapter have you ever read, it might take longer to write and come up with. I'm sure you will be happy with the wait and I will try not to take forever.

Also I am thinking about making a sequel to this story so comment on here and let me know if you would be interested to read it.

Thanks for sticking with me after so long it has been fun :)

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