He Wasnt

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Rays loud voice strained the tired-as-hell-misfit. Why tired? Weeellll.....

In actuality Princeton didn't sleep at all last night, nope, not one single snore, all because of him, mr.royal. It was because of that kiss, that very kiss the roc gave prince that made his skin shiver, that made his mind wonder, and his body to relax from pleasure.

It was just all to confusing, all to hectic, all to much for him, but what made the situation even worse was the big question floating around in his fuzzy head.

Was Roc even drunk?


"Okay, so your telling me the honey still hasn't gotten out of your hair?" Prince asked prod, slightly chuckling as the two and ray sat at the kitchen table eating French toast. Prodigy sighed, clinking his fork against the plate, "sadly no."

"Damn bro." Prince shook his head as his eyes went onto rays guilty filled ones.

"Umm p-prod I-I'm real s-s-sor-" Prodigy quickly cutted off his friend with a deep huff, "it's ight ray, I mean, I should be used to your pranks by now, rite?" Prod halved smiled with s shrug,forcing ray to frown, when suddenly, the sound of rushing footsteps filled the air.


"UGHHH!, Good morning yall!" Non-toxic Mr.Royal yawned loudly while treading into the room, his red eyes trying to adjust to the bright shinning light.

"Morning." 2 out of 3 boys answered as the last one remained silent.

Hell, I can't even look at roc right now, forgot the fact of even talking to him.

Princeton gulped deeply as his nervous filled eyes stayed on the surface of the grey marble table when suddenly the boys male manager walked into the room.

"Hurry up and eat boyz, y'all have 2 photo shoots today.' Walter informed the guys as he opened the fridge, his eyes scanning for his whiskey container.

"That's weird"? Walt's voice echoed in the quiet air, brows scrunching together from confusion.

"I could have sworn I specifically placed my drink on the middle shelf?"

Walters words immediately made Princeton to excessively chew on his lip, but his next words made him gulp.

"Oh, never mind, found it!" Walt grabbed the grey metal container and closed the fridge door, quickly opening the bottle as he drank his morning dew.


Princes face was immediately scrunched from confusion.

That's impossible, how could he still have anything in there, I-I poured all of the whiskey into rocs bottle,


Princeton slowly brung his eyes onto rocs, only gulping because roc was staring back at him.

He knew...

Roc knew there was liquor in there..

He wasn't drunk last nite...






The misfits fingers clutched the edge of the table as he watched roc slowly licked his bottom lip, sending sexual shivers down his spine.

April Fools Joke Gone Wrong *RocxPrince*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin