Chapter 11: "Anything for you, D."

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I walked along the sidewalk, the nighttime August breeze blowing my hair back a little bit as Harry walked along side me. We stayed silent walking to the cake shoppe; the only sound emitted by the two of us was the lazy dragging of my black converse along the cement. As we neared the shoppe, my mind immediately flicked to the weird guy that worked there and that Lacey had told him that I had a boyfriend... and that boyfriend was Harry. I thought about just going with it, hoping that we wouldn't get questioned but I crossed that thought out of my mind almost as soon as it had entered. Who else would I be walking with, I mean, not that the guy would know whether or not Harry was my boyfriend but he seemed kind of nosy. Before I could tell Harry about what had happened earlier, warning him that he might get questioned, he was already holding the door of the small cake shoppe open for me.

                This is gonna be interesting.

                I walked into the small building, the smell of chocolate flooding my senses. Nate never looked up from the counter as I entered the store and continued to play on his phone even when Harry walked in, inhaling deeply

                "It smells fantastic in here!" Harry whispered excitedly, walking over the other displays of intricately designed cakes, ranging from small little cakes made out of cupcakes, to cakes that looked like the belonged to the Queen or something. I looked over at Nate, slowly walking to the counter.

                "What brings you back here, beautiful?" he asked, raising an eyebrow and arranging his face into some sort of smirk that he probably thought was appealing to females.

                "My friend ordered another cake. It looks identical to the one I picked up about 20 minutes ago. Under the same name." I said bluntly, trying to keep the conversation to a minimum, but also trying to keep Nate's attention away from the curly haired boy wandering the other end of the store.

                "Why do you need another one?" he asked, seeming genuinely confused. I mean, I would too if some girl that bought a giant cake not ever half an hour ago came back asking for another one.

                "My friends are clumsy to say the least." I said, laughing a little to myself at the memory. Nate smiled at me.

                "You come here by yourself?" he asked, not really bothering to look around. I guess he just made an assumption and obviously didn't remember the fact that Lacey told him that I had a boyfriend (which I didn't) or was just trying to ignore it.

                I didn't know whether or not to lie, but then again I didn't really get the point of lying about something like that, he'd obviously see Harry when we left, if not before. "Nope." I said, gesturing to the blazer clad boy on the other side of the shoppe.

                Nate's face dropped. "He your boyfriend?" he asked, causing Harry to turn around. Harry gave me a weird look, one that I returned with a look that reflected the things I wanted to whisper to him so he'd understand.

                Harry seemed to catch on, winking at me once and heading over to stand next to me, draping his arm over my shoulder. Thank god he got the message. "Why yes, I am." Harry said almost... cheekily. Nate just stared for a few seconds, before realization crossed his face and he smiled smugly. Shit. Shit. Shit. He saw through it. He doesn't believe that Harry's my 'boyfriend'. I mentally facepalmed.

                "You're with Harry Styles?" he asked me as he turned around to bring to other cake to the front counter. For a few seconds I wondered how he knew Harry, and then it hit me. Harry Styles. Member of the international boyband. How could I forget? I nodded my head, smiling a bit. I kind of liked the thought of being "with Harry Styles". Not necessarily sexually or anything, but like, a relationship. I can't really say much though. I've only known him for a few days, so it's really only a small crush, hardly anything at all.

                Nate looked me up and down, something almost like disgust crossed his face before he turned to Harry. "Why would you date her?" he sneered, putting extra emphasis on the word her. "She's not famous. She's a nobody." he said, all traces of the weird interest in me had vanished. Harrys face twisted into a look of something like anger.

                "Don't ever say that about Dani - or any girl for that matter - ever again. If I hear that you've even just spoken to her, I will hurt you." He said through his teeth. Nate looked shocked.

                "No need to threaten, mate." He said, holding his hands up in surrender.

                "I'm not threatening, I'm promising." He said and removed his arm from around me and walked to the counter and picked up the cake, but not before glaring at Nate. If looks could kill, he would have been dead about a minute and a half ago. The words Nate said about me were running through my head.

                "She's a nobody."

                "Why would you date her?"

                I didn't even know the boy, but his word still hurt equally as much as it would if they came from somebody I've known for years. Tears started to form in my eyes, threatening to spill over. I blinked and jogged to the door, holding it open for Harry so he could walk through the door with the cake. I took my anger at Nate out on the door, slamming it behind me for the second time this night.

We walked in silence for about half the walk, the same sound of my shoes scraping against the cement as before.

"I'm sorry that had to happen." he whispered thoughtfully. I was almost thankful that he didn't ask about what had happened to make Nate think he was my boyfriend, but with the way it happened, I'm sure it could have sounded like an innocent question exchanged from one complete stranger to another.

"It's not your fault." I said quietly, sniffling a little and wiping at the tear that had escaped down my cheek. Harry stopped and looked at me. I looked away, not wanting him to know Nate's words had struck a string with me.

"Hey. Are you okay?" he asked, setting the cake down on the ground and standing in front of me.

"Yeah." I lied, still looking away.

"Are you lying to me?" he asked, genuinely concerned.

"Yeah." I said, choking on an almost sob and sort of jogged into Harry's arms, laying my head in his chest as his arms engulfed my body into him.

And we stood like that, me crying into his arms and him comforting me in the middle of the sidewalk. Even when my crying stopped we still stood like that, Harry occasionally whispering soothing words into the top of my head. I think he knew I had stopped crying, but I was still wrapped in his arms... not that I'm complaining.

"I'm sorry I didn't do more about that. I should have punched him for even thinking that about you. I swear that will never happen again as long as I have a say in it." He said it so surely, I believed him.

"Thank you." I said into his chest.

"Anything for you, D." he used a nickname I had never heard before. I liked it.

A/N I am so incredibly sorry. I haven't updated in like, 5 months. I loved getting back into this story though!

Schools almost overrrrrrrrrr!

Oh my god. Im seeing Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift in 13 days! Eeeeeeeeeek!

Ask me questions in the comments! If I get enough, I'll post a Q/A on youtube!

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