Chapter 6: 'Does This Make Me Look Fat?'

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                “Does this make me look fat?” Louis asked, holding a girl’s blouse in front of his chest and admiring his reflection in the mirror.

                “No Lou. You look hot.” I said, laughing and continuing to search the racks of Jack Wills for anything that caught my eye. Louis did a couple of twirls in front of the full length mirror, completely ignoring the stares he was getting from the cashier.

                “Should I get it?” he asked, pulling the shirt away from him and holding it out to look at it more. I doubled over in laughter and shook my head violently. It’s amazing, I’ve been with these boys for less than 24 hours and I’m feeling happier than ever. They really changed me dramatically. Opening up to Harry the night before was really helpful, he never pushed for answers. I could have easily said no and refused to speak about it, but there’s something about Harry that makes me feel… safe, that I can trust him with anything. All the boys have that effect; I can trust them with anything, including my life. They’ve already proven that, it’s just Harry has this calming voice that makes me feel like nothing can touch me. My laughter calmed down after getting some glares from people in the store and I continued searching the racks. We’ve been shopping for 2 hours and I have about 7 bags. The boys won’t let me leave any store until I have at least a bag worth of clothes. I understand that I need some clothes because I am not, under any circumstances, going back to my house, but they guys really need to get it through their heads that I feel incredibly guilty for taking their money. All I need is A couple of t-shirts, some pants and a toothbrush and I’ll live.

                “Hey Dani! Do you like this?” I heard Harry yell from the other side of the store. I looked up and Harry was holding up a casual polka-dot dress that I instantly fell in love with. I rushed over to Harry, taking the dress in my hands and admiring it.

                “Yeah. I love it, but it’s gonna cost a fortune …” I said trailing off

                “Doesn’t matter. One second.” He said, eyeing me up and down, making me feel extremely uncomfortable before searching the rack for a dress. Once he found it he handed it to me and pushed me towards the dressing rooms. I gave him a ‘Screw You’ kind of look before shutting the change room door. I really loved the dress, but I didn’t want to make the boys pay so much. I got out of my clothes and slid the dress over my head. I turned around to face my reflection in the full length mirror on the back of the door. The dress fit perfectly, tighter near the top and then it flowed out. It was white with medium sized pink dots every so often with a baby pink ribbon around my waist that tied into a bow at the back. The dress landed right above my knees, the perfect length. I poked my head out the door, praying the boys weren’t there waiting for me to come out. Outside the door was a white couch, currently occupied by One Direction, practically sitting on top of each other, waiting for me to come out. Damn it. I cautiously walked out of the change room and in front of the boys. I refused to meet their gazes and fiddled with the hem of the dress nervously. I got worried when I was standing there for about half a minute and heard complete silence. I slowly looked up to meet the eyes of the boys who were all gaping at me. I cleared my throat loudly, which got all the boys to snap out of it… all of them except Harry.

                “You look amazing, Dani” Liam said, smiling at me. I blushed a deep red and looked at the floor.

                “I second that!” I heard an Irish accent and looked up to smile at Niall who smiled goofily back.

                “Wow.” I heard from Zayn.  I felt happier; Zayn was like, the King of fashion, so approval from him was pretty good.  

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