Chapter 3: Blast from the Past.

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Chapter 3: Blast from the Past

***Juliet’s POV***

I was in my room still wearing my PJ’s, because I was thinking of what I should wear today. I should wear something comfy ‘cause I’m not planning on going anywhere today, but if I have to go to the market, I shouldn’t have to change.

Alright, after 5 minutes I decided that I was going to wear an animal print vest top with a cross on it, short shorts and black studded sneakers. For accessories, I wore a couple of bracelets which included a rubber ‘MISFITS’ bracelet too. I pondered for a moment if I should wear a hat that says ‘Fuckers’ across, but if my mother would see that, she would flip! So I just went with a hat that says ‘Teenage Dirtbag’ across it. It’s not that bad is it? (AN/Pic in the external link :D)

I was in my living room when my mom said “Hun, I’m going to work and I won’t be coming home tonight. Rider’s at a friend’s house tonight, okay?”

“Yeah that’s fine. Could Ryan and Chaz come over later?” I asked. Well, they might not come ‘cause they’re probably fucking some bitches, and bye ‘bitches’ I mean food! Or maybe even real bitches, I don’t know I ain’t them! I thought. Poor bitches!

“Yeah, sure if they want!” My mom said as she felt the house, after giving me a kiss on the cheek as a ‘goodbye’ which I returned.


It was only 5 in the afternoon, and I was HUNGRY! I could literally eat someone’s hand off! I went into the kitchen and made myself a PB&J sandwich. I took it with me upstairs, into my bedroom, to go on twitter while I ate it.

After I finished eating my sandwich, I went through all my old things I had saved from my childhood. I saw billions of pictures of me with my dad or me at the park, I was literally everywhere! There were pictures of Rider too. Then I went on to the things I kept. I saw arts and crafts work my mom and I would do, and my silly attempts at drawings, but one thing stood out from all the rest. It was a heart necklace. Engraved on it was ‘Justin + Juliet = Forever’

I can’t believe I still have this! I miss him. Then that memory of the night he gave this to me came running back into my mind.

Justin told me to meet him at the park not far from our house. He said it was important so I had to be there.

When I got there, I saw Justin sitting on the bench we always sit on whenever we are here. As I walked up to him I said “Hey Justin!” He turned around and said “Oh hey, Jul!” he said as he got up to hug me. I smiled at that nickname. Justin created it, and only him, Ryan and Chaz call me ‘Jul’ When I asked Justin why he calls me that, he says that I’m a jul, a diamond, something special.

I hugged him back, and sat down on the bench he was sitting on. He sat down next to me and sat facing me, so I faced him back, crossing my legs on the bench.

“I want you to know, that whatever happens between us, we’ll always be best friends, alright?” He said. OK, where’s he going with this “Justi-’’ I said but I was cut off by him “Juliet.” He started. Okay, now I’m scared. Because Justin never uses my full-name. And I mean NEVER! “I will always love you alright! No matter what happens!” He said. The hell? “So to show you that I will never, and I mean NEVER forget you...I got you this.” He said while taking some necklace out of his pocket. “Here” He said while handing it to me. “Aww, Justin it’s beautiful!” I cooed, it really was! It was a heart necklace, engraved on it was ‘Justin + Juliet = Forever’ in beautiful calligraphy. I handed it back to him to put it on me, and I turned around and flipped my hair to one side. He put it on me and spun me around, to meet his gaze again. “I’m glad you like it.” He said. “Are you kidding me! I don’t like it...I LOVE IT!!” I screamed, as he chuckled a little. “I even got one for myself. Well, it’s not a necklace but it’s a key-chain.” He said as he pulled out his keys and showed me that he had the same thing I had. “Aww!!” I said....well more like cooed! “And I also got your name engraved on my dog-tag, so that I’ll never forget you....ever!” He continued. “Aww!!!!” I cooed, yet again but louder this time and poking his stomach a little. After that we said our ‘goodbye’s’ and went home.

The next morning I went to Justin’s house and he wasn’t there. In fact no one was! The whole house was empty, I went into Justin’s room just to make sure and zilch! Nothing, except for a note on the floor. I remember clearly what it said:

Dear Julie,

I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, but mom got a call from this manger and he said he wanted to make me big. I just thought it’d be easier on you if I didn’t tell you, but to let you know, I will never forget you Juliet, you are my best friend and I never meant to hurt you. This hurts me 10 times more than it hurts you and this is the first time I’m crying, I mean you can see the tear stains on the paper! I’m sorry Julie and please don’t forget me, ‘cause I’ll never forget you!


It was true, there were tear stains on that paper! I always knew Justin could sing, but I never thought he’d become a teen pop-sensation. And no, I’m not mad at him, I’m just disappointed in him for not telling me. I mean yeah it was kinda easier, but that doesn’t mean I don’t miss him. I just hope he lived up to his word when he said that he’ll never forget me, ‘cause I sure as hell didn’t forget him!

I didn’t realize that I was crying, until the course of Desperate Measures by Marianas Trench played though my phone, pulling me out of my trance. 

I can't let this, I can't let this go

When I got you right where I want you

I been pushing for this for so long

Kiss me, just once, for luck

These are desperate measures now

I can't let this, I can't let this go

“Hello?” I picked up the phone without checking the caller id

“Hey, Julie! Me and Chaz just wanted to know if you were all packed?” Ryan said on the other end. I knew it was him by his voice even if he didn’t say who he was.

“Oh yea, I’m all set!” I said whipping some left-over tears from before.

“Does your mom know you’re going?” He asked, concerned

“Yeah, I talked to her about it last night and she said since everyone else was going, it was for the better if I went too.” I said

“Oh, okay just wanted to know, ‘cause the plane tickets are for tomorrow.”

“Ryan you’re getting annoying! Everything is set, you don’t have to worry ‘bout it! It’ll be just fine, trust me! Now Imma take a nap for the rest of the day ‘cause I’m tried so, bye and see you tomorrow at the airport!” I said as I sat down on my bed and hung up the phone before he could say anything else. He is just worrying to much.

Take a chill pill Ryan. I thought, even though he can’t hear me, and I let the darkness – otherwise known as sleep – take me away into a different dimension.

Authors Note:

YAY! Chappie 3 is up! Read my friends story Forever and Always by justbieberingaround it's a really awesome story I'm just waiting for her to UPDATE! Gurl if you're reading this...update your damn story, the suspense is killing me! Anyway, thank you to everyone who is reading my story! I love you for it. And Justin will be in the next chapter!!

Next update: I don't quite know yet....:D

You and Me: Forever Remember?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें