Chapter 3

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Brook's P.O.V

I slipped on my shoes and looked in full length mirror in my bedroom. I was wearing a black dress with a see thought panel on the chest and peplum on the waist. I occupied it with curling my hair, winging some eyeliner, and a small black bag. I thought I looked good for once in my life.

I used to be the chubby kid. I gained a lot of weight after we moved to Manchester. I missed London and my friends so much that I turned to food. I held on to the weight for years. Then about two years ago I shed seventy five pounds, and I couldn't be happier.

I was brought out of my reminiscing by my phone ringing. "Hello?" I said still looking in the mirror. "Yea we'll be there in ten minutes." Joe said sounder eager. "No that's ok! Someone else is coming to get me" I said walking away from the mirror going into my living room. "Who?" "Ryan. The waiter" I stated proudly. Then I heard a knock at the door "There he is! See you in a bit!" I said hanging up the phone.

I walked over and fixed my hair little before opening the door. Ryan had light brown hair along with a light brown stubbly beard. He had grass green eyes and an angel white smile. He was a towering height of about 5'11 which is tall considering my height. Just all together he was fit.

“You look...breath taking!" he said causing me to blush. He was wearing a white button down and black pants, simple yet sexy. "Not too bad yourself" I said confidently making him smile. "Ready to go my lady?" he said swinging his elbow out. I smiled and nodded grabbing his bicep. He walked me down to his black jet black car I couldn't identify in the darkness of night.

He opened my door as I got in. He shut it and then jogged around to get in his side. He got in and started the engine. We were driving along and I turned his radio up and started sing along. Then middle of the song he turned it down "I just can't handle all the noise". I nodded "Sorry" he laughed "I should be sorry, I'm acting like a granddad". We both erupted in laughter.

We pulled up to the club and there was a line out the door. "Ugh" I said stepping out of the car. Ryan walked over to my side and cupped my hand. We walked over and stood at the back of line. We were standing for about ten minutes when I got a phone call "Hello?" I said annoyed. "Where are you?" Zoe yelled over the music. "In the line" she laughed "Tell them you’re with Mazz".

I smiled and jogged with the clicking of my heels pulling Ryan along. I walked over to the large man in a black suit "We're with Mazz". He nodded and let us though "How did you do that?" Ryan said making me laugh. I walked in and it as a bit lighter than outside. The bass shook the whole place around and the sent of liquor filled the air.

I pulled Ryan though the already drunken people looking for some that a reorganized. But of course to my pleasure the first face that saw me was Caspar. "Wow you looked beautiful" he said pulling me in for a hug. "Thank you" I replied thought gritted teeth. I looked over and placed my hand on Ryan's shoulder "And this Ryan, my date". Caspar nodded surprised at the fact I had a date.

"Well it was nice seeing you" He said walking off and disappearing into the crowed. I continued to pull Ryan around trying to find Zoe. I was so small and so was she that this was a hard task to complete. But after a while I finally saw her and ran towards her. I engulfed her in a hug from the back scaring her a bit.

She looked so pretty as always with her hair in a ponytail and a simple black dress. Then I looked over to see Joe. He looked...handsome. He was wearing black pants with a black coat and white button down. I froze in place looking at him then went in for a hug.

Earlier today when I was wiping the food off of his face, I think I felt something. It was weird I could feel his emerald green eyes burn into my skin, And the way his breathing would become faster whenever I touched him, it gave me a sensation I wasn't used it. He was different from the other guys I’ve known, and I think I liked it.

Joe's P.O.V

Words could not describe how beautiful she looked in that dress. It fit her perfectly in all the right places. It hugged her every curve, she just looked perfect. And I bet she didn't even know every eye in the club was on her. She would never even believe me if I told her.

She smiled at me showing all of teeth. She walked over and hugged me tight and I was hit with a scent. It wasn't strawberry not even with a hint of vanilla. She smelled of a musky man sent and then I saw the waiter from today.

She pulled away and pulled him closer to her. "This is Ryan!" She said gesturing her hand towards him. He nodded not even bothering to speak. He was massive in height compared me, it shook me up a bit.  But I could see from down here he was an ass.

"Nice to meet you!" Zoe said over the music. He nodded at her then his eyes settled on me. I gave him a sloppy solute and took a sip of drink. "Oh we should go get some drinks!" Brook said and just nodded as she led him into the crowd of people.

"What was that about?" Zoe said then sipped her drink. "That guy" "Ryan" she interrupted and I nodded. "RYAN! He is an ass" I said looking down at Zoe. "Well Brook seems to like him" she said then shrugged. I rolled my eyes and chugged the rest of my drink down then walking into the crowd of people.

Brook P.O.V

Ryan and I got to the bar and he ordered some drink that I wasn't filmier with for both of us. While I waited I started swaying my body the music. The bartender gave us the drinks "Enjoy" said walking away. I was getting ready to grab it when Ryan accidentally knocked my clutch out of my hand.

"I'm so sorry I’ll-" I cut him by bending down to pick it up. "Its fine" I said smiling which he returned. I reached for the drink and took a sip. It was funny tasting and I could feel it taking affect faster than normal too so I sat it down. "I don't really like it" he nodded "It's cool, don't sweat it". I smiled and waited for him to finish. "Let’s go dance" I said guiding him half buzzed.

Joe P.O.V

At this point I had had a few so I wasn't in a full state of mind, but still aware of my surroundings. I was wondering around the dance floor doing the robot. I stumbled into Brook and Ryan, she looked extremely drunk. "You alright Brook?" she nodded and laughed "I'm fine JOEY!" she then laughed away. I just shrugged it off.

"Hey there" I turned so see a blond woman a little taller them myself. She began turned around and placed my hands on her hips. She began to move her hips in a mesmerizing way that I just enjoyed. She pressed her bum on my crotch and kept moving.

The pleasure this strange woman was clouding my along with the liquor. I could barely think straight "What’s your name?" she asked seductively in my ear over her shoulder. "Joe" I simply said trying to focus on the conversation. "Nice to meet you" she said turning my jaw and locking me into a kiss.

She tasted of liquor and cigarettes, I was turned off instantly. I moved my hands off of her "Thanks for dance" I said going back into the crowed. I looked at my watch it was already one and it was time to gather everybody up. It was a short time before I found Zoe dancing alone in the middle of the dance floor.

She wasn't drunk so it was easy to pull her along with me. I ran into Mazz and thanked him for the invite. Then I started too looked for brook so I could say good night. I mean I didn't have to but the clouded part of my mind said I had to.

I wondered about for an hour because I looked down at my watch and it two. I pulled but Zoe and I out of the crowd trying to catch my breath. "I'm going to pull the car around. You have 5mins or I'm leaving you!" she said walking out the exit door.

I was still in the same spot when I looked over to see Ryan pulling Brook out of the door. She could barely stand up on her on. He was going to take advantage of; I couldn't even fathom the idea. I jogged over before he could get to the door.

"Aye mate let her go!" I called out making him turn around. He scowled at me and continued to walk. I grabbed brooks arm and looked at her "Brook?” I could tell she was trying to respond but her lips didn't move. But a small tear left her eye.

"Do you want to go?" I asked and she responds in a series of blinks. "No she’s too drunk I'm taking her home" I stated tugging her arm. "Like hell you are!" he said pushing me back. I wasn't a fighter and I wasn't about to get smashed by a giant.

I did the one thing I knew how to do; I kneed him in his boys. He hit the floor and I wrapped Brook's arm around my shoulder and carried her out. Thank god Zoe was outside like she said. I put her in the car and then got in. "Zoe drive" I said in a panic making a slightly buzzed Zoe hit the gas.

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