Chapter 28

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Joe's P.O.V

I quickly opened to the door and ran into the house and out of the pouring rain shutting the door behind me. I peeled off my soaked jacket and hung it on the coat rack by the door. I pushed back my wet fringe out of my face and looked down at my mostly dry body thanks to my jacket.

"Joe?" I heard Brooks voice squeak from the kitchen. I kicked off my wet shoes and jogged to the kitchen and almost falling over due to my socks slipping across the wood floors. She was sitting at the table with a mug clutched tightly in both of her small hands.

"Yes?" I said and her head snapped up and she gave me a faint smile. Her eyes were swollen probably from crying with dark ring around them due to her lack of sleep over the past three days. Her cheeks that normally lacked pigment now bright red and shiny from fresh tears. And she was shaking so bad the mess she called a bun was flopping around

"How was work?" she said desperately trying to make this all seem normal. "It was rough with the rain and all" I answered resting onto the side of the door frame. "How are you" and her eyes moved to the mug in her hands "I'm" and she paused.

She tapped her nails along the edge of the mug and harshly bit down on her bottom lip. I watched as she scrambled though her head trying to say her infamous "I'm fine" but she wasn't saying it.

Then I watched as a tear fell hitting her arm. And I rushed over and pulled her up to her feet and hugged her tight. She started to sob loudly and grab onto my shirt. "It’s ok I'm here" I kept saying hoping to calm her down.

Slowly the crying got quieter and quieter till it all stopped and she just clung to me. "I love you" I said and she looked up at me and a very small smile found its way to her lips.

Then she looked down at Ally who was now sitting at her feet. She let go of me and bent down and picked Ally up. She held her in her arms like a small child and bounced her around a little. She started to make little noises at her making Ally purr loudly. Watching them do that for some odd reason made me smile.

"Since I’m home now and it's raining, let's watch a movie" I said shoving my hands in my pockets and she looked up at me. "No phones or computers" she added and I nodded making her smile again. I turned around and walked over to the DVD rack and searched for a while.

We only had about ten DVDs so our options were very limited.  "What did you find" Brook asked sitting Ally in her cat bed. "Wreck It Ralph?" I asked and she let out a small laugh "Sure". I pulled it off the rack and put the disk into the player.

I stood up and turned to see Brook already sitting on the couch with a blanket covering her legs. I walked over and sat down and Brook moved the blanket so it covered my legs too. I looked down at her to thank her, but her eyes were already glued to the movie. 

And I couldn't help but stare. Even though she had been crying all day and had been a wreck for the past few days, she still found a way to look perfect. Every little thing about her whether it was "bad" in her opinion or something she took pride, it made her perfect. 

I watched as her jaw stretched, her nose wrinkled, and a childlike yawn escaped. "Tired?" I asked and she nodded. She pressed her back to the arm of the chair and moved so her legs so they lay across my lap. Then I heard a grumbling noise and I looked at Brook who had a hand over her stomach.

"Have you eaten today?" I asked and she shook her head "I haven’t even thought about it till now". I rubbed my hand up and down her legs "How about I make some popcorn?" I asked and she nodded knotting one her hands in her mess of a bun and yawning again.

I lifted her feet up and got off the sofa. I walked into the kitchen and retrieved a bag of popcorn and put it into the microwave. I set for the desired time on the bag and started my wait. Then I heard a beep and looked over to see Brooks phone brightly glowing.

I walked over and hesitantly picked it up only see it was text from her mother. I was so curious about what was going in with them and why she wouldn't tell me. So much that I was going to read it. And I really wanted to read it but I knew it was wrong for me too. Then the first pop of the popcorn went off making me jump and drop her phone on the table.

"Shit" I cursed and horridly picked her phone to see a giant crack down the middle. Why the hell was I so clumsy? I just sat her phone down and hoped she didn't hear it and walked over to the popcorn that was now almost done. I pulled it out and got a bowl and poured it in.

I looked over at the phone and let out a sigh as I moved back into the living room. I looked down to see Brook laying down sleeping. This was the first time I’ve seen her sleep in a few days. She was in a little ball and her face was twitching like it always did when she slept.

I sat the popcorn on table and moved so I was behind her on the couch and wrapped my arms around her limp sleeping body. I could smell the scent of strawberry's that lingered in her hair and suddenly her arms stiffly shot out and she yawned.

"Joe?" she said her voice small and scratchy as she brought her arms back. She rested one of her hands on my arm and rubbed small circles with her thumb onto my skin. "Just go back to sleep" I said and slowly she relax again and all her movements stopped. Her breathing slowly became less noticeable and she started to softly snore, like always. And at this point I had no choice but to join her in her slumber.

A/N: The next chapter might have smut again i'm not sure if i'm going to add it or not yet so just a heads up! 

Thank you as always and don't forget to...




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