Chapter 28: Morning 'Romp'

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A/N: tsk, missed you guys ;) chapter is not as NSFW as the chapter title may suggest lol


I slept like a baby.

As if the whole night I was being lulled into a sweet heavy slumber.

When I wake up I am greeted by an adorably snoring Benkei at arms length from me.

Zzzz. . . zzzzZzzz. . .*snore*. . .

He twitches lightly in his sleep and I chuckle to myself quietly.

I stretch my arms and legs and yawn, relishing the well rested sleep I just had. Sitting up from the futon, and looking over at Benkei, I suddenly get an idea.

As quietly as I can, I slip out of bed and crawl on the tatami floor to the closet where I hid my bag; sliding the door open, I drag my bag towards me and feel around inside for my phone and stand up as soon as I get a grip on it.

"Here it is."

Excitedly I tiptoe back to bed and with my phone in my hands, I open the camera

He's too precious this way

Standing beside the sleeping man, I struggle to get a good angle on him, I move around to the other side and stand on my bed but Benkei stirs in his sleep turning the other way.

"Tsk, hold still!"

Getting careless, and determined to get a good shot of Benkei asleep. I stand over him, with either foot standing on each side of his sleeping form.

I start taking pictures, smiling to myself, reviewing the photos, smirking and taking another photo. The next ones don't turn out so well because the sun hadn't completely come up yet and the picture was dark.

He sleeps like a rock. Hopefully he doesn't wake up.

Turning on the flash, I take one test shot holding my breath and thankfully Benkei does not wake up. I look at him once more and smile.

It's so strange, the way he makes me feel.

I lose my train of thought and frown, remembering things I shouldn't worry about.

I used to do this all the time with 'HIM'

And he would take pictures of me asleep as well, but that all changed when I saw pictures of somebody else and not me in 'His' phone.

Sighing with a smile looking at my new object of affection, I carefully frame Benkei in the screen of my phone, I see the blinding flash go off, and in the automatic review of the photo, Benkei's eyes are half open and his face is scrunched up.

My eyes get wide and shock settles in my body as I freeze when I feel hands grab my ankles.

"Emily??" His groggy voice sounds

Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!

Not thinking and forgetting that his hands were on my ankles, I try to jump away but of course slip, fumble my phone that is sent flying in whatever direction, I get a good view of the ceiling until I fall forward again and land hard on top of Benkei straddling him, my butt falls on his stomach-


Benkei huffs upward as my weight knocks the wind out of him.

My left shoulder hits his face and I swear swear I heard something lightly go


and a painful cry,
My face sinks into his pillow and I immediately regret ever getting that stupid idea of taking his photo.

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