Chapter 38: Reflections

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A/N: 13 random facts about me, tagged by MayaK007

1) I'm 5 foot 4 inches, does it matter Idk

2) My family owns 8 dogs and I take care of all of them.

3) I am currently in a long term relationship that has lasted 7 years and 6 months

4) I have seen more blood and severed body parts than any other person I know.

5) working in the medical field you have alot to draw from when you need to write characters that are in pain or suffering.

6) I really enjoy horror movies and period films, so if you have any suggestions please leave a comment so I can watch it!!

7) one bad habit I will admit is smoking. Don't start. Ever. No matter how much you think it will make you look cool. No. It has aged my young face terribly.

8) I absolutely love classic rock and any great songs from the 90's and back. I am an old sould I must admit.

9) One of my dogs is named Hachiko and she lost her left eye in a bad fight. She is too cute still.

10) Spicy food. Where the spicy food at?!

11) I live in a two storey home in the middle of suburbia on 3 lots filled with gardens. My grandparents always said Land is a great investment.

12) I miss the beach sorely. Despite living in a tropical country, having access to a white sand beach is easy but not always allowed by a busy schedule.

13) I cannot live a day without coffee or tea. My favorite coffee is a simple cappucino with cinnamon powder and my favorite tea is a steaming pot of Earl grey with a bit of brown sugar.

There! I hope I don't appear too hoighty toighty to you guys :) here are 4 people I'd like to tag.

SilverGreySeas DestinyOfBooks thewaterdragon and _Angel1004_


2 days had passed. 2 uneventful days of focused preparation. Despite the fact that two days was so very short a time to me it felt like every waking minute lasted an eternity.

There wasn't much interference from any of Yoshitsunes men. Except for the ocassional military official who would visit the mansion to correspond with the Chief General. They would spot me, and mistake me for a servant girl or a concubine. Something that either Hanzo or Goyo would be quick to correct while I quietly left the room.

"I'll be leaving soon, I don't see why I need to stir things up around here anyway." I would say to myself.

2 days of hard training with Hyuga was all that consumed me for I did not visit the clinic with Hyosuke anymore, I was afraid that may be too awkward for the both of us. He and I have drifted the farthest apart.

So it was a whole day of talking and listening to Hyuga then sparring then listening again then some more sparring until I could no longer stand on my own feet.

The last 2 nights were spent in Yoshitsunes quarters with Enya and Hanzo discussing on the map where to go and who to look for, How long to trek and when to stop. I was at these meetings but I seldom listened. Something I regret but not necessarily feel guilty for.

It was all a blurry haze. Even the mornings when Sakura would come and bring tea, encourage small talk and offer to brush my hair. I just simply stopped listening. Often times I would hear her soft voice reassuring me of things with Benkei and the occassional hug from behind.

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