Chapter 10

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(Danny's POV)

     "Danny, you need to wake up now." Someone says to me and I slowly open my eyes to see the team all standing around me and Dick in a different suit standing next to me. "Hey. We have a surprise for you." He tells me and nods to Wally and Aqualad who step aside and reveal....Sam and Tucker?!

     "Sam? Tucker? H-how are you guys here?" I squestions but instead of getting answers, they flong themselves at me in a group hug. "Om my gosh, I am so glad you guys are alive." I whisper and let a few tears fall down my face.

     "We thought you had died! They made us watch what you had to go through! We saw everything you went through and we wished....oh we so wished we could help you!" Sam cried and I see out of the corner of my eyes, the others silently leaving the room, including my brother.

     "I am so sorry man for not saving you in time! If I had called out just a few seconds earlier, you would have seen Vlad.....and none of this would have happened!" Tucker cries out.

     "This was not your fault. This wasn't any of you guys' fault. But hey, I'm alive and we're here together. That is all that matters." I tell them and we all sit in our group hug, crying happy tears, for what seemed like forever. The door then opens and Dick and Batman come in, along with Flash. Sam and Tucker detatched themselves from the group hug but Sam stayed sitting next to me.

     "Flash? What are you doing here?" Tucker asks confused.

     "Hey Tucker. Hey Sam. To answer your question Tucker, I am part of the Justice League. And the team that saved you two are the Young Justice team. They are like mini-justice league made up of our prodigies. Like Batman for example. His prodigy, Robin or as he is now Nightwing, was one of the first prodogy to start Young Justice. Danny here is part of that team." Barry explains with a relaxed smile.

     "Awesome." Tucker says and I smile.

     "Danny, what did Robin mean when he said you were his brother?" Sam asks me.

     "When I was four, I was taken from my real home and the Fentons 'adopted' me. My original family was......Batman, is it fine if I tell them my backstory because it gives away yours and my brother's secret identity. And I know how you feel with others knowing your identities." I ask him and he smiles ever so slightly before nodding his head. "Thanks. With that, my parents were Mary and John Grayson and my older brother is Richard Grayon. Dick, what exactly happened that night? Its just bits and pieces for me." I look to my brother who looked happy yet sad at the same time.

     "It was the night I was going to preform with them. You were seated in the front row next to Haley and watched in awe as mom and dad preformed. Our parents had a stunt where they didn't have any nets close to the ground incase they fell. After many years of preforming the act, they were masters at not using a net. But something had gone wrong. Someone sabotaged the wires and a few seconds before I was to join in the act, the wires snapped and they fell, inevitably dying on impact. I immediatly came down and caught you before you became covered in their blood." He pauses, trying to hold back tears. "Luckily we were preforming in Gotham city and the one and only Bruce Wayne  was in the croud that night. When the cops and EMS arrived, they were planning on taking us to an orphanage but they were all filled, so, Bruce offered to foster us. We had stayed at his mansion for a week before Danny was taken. I remeber telling you that they were alseep at the hospital because I knew tou wouldn't undertpstand had I told you then. Turns out, Bruce ws planning on adopting both of us but ended up just adopting me because you were taken." He finishes and takes off his mask ans whipes away a few tears. I too whipe away the tears that fell down my face while he explained the day our world fell apart. Bruce then pulls Dick into a hug and calms Dick down, knowing this was hard for him to talk about that day.

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