My Universe Upsidedown

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"Do you want to get lunch at McDonald's with Max and I," Ava asked.

"Ava I love you, I truly do but if you have the ridiculous notion that I'm going to sit through another round of you and Max arguing than you are sadly mistaken," I replied.

"We don't argue," she said.

"Yes you do, besides I'd rather eat lunch with Petey so just ask Abby or Luna,"I said.

" I don't get why you spend your time with a bunch of hobo's."

"Because I'm not a jerk," I said sarcastically. I walked out of the school doors and to the Burger King where Petey was usually stationed. He was sleeping next to a trash can and when I nudged his leg he bolted upright.

"Hmm, oh it's just you," he mumbled.

"I would think seeing me would be a more joyous event but that's okay, I'll go get our food." I ordered 4 double cheeseburgers and 2 large fries and came back outside. We sat down on the sidewalk and ate.

Petey was fairly old but still had a sense of handsomeness about him. He had green eyes and brown hair that slightly reminded me of my mom's. He wore a ring that told me that he was probably married once but he never talked about it so I never asked. We had our typical lunch together and had small talk about what's been going on in our lives. We finished lunch and I made my way back to class after promising to come back after school was over.

School droned on and left my extremely tired and for a moment I considered not going to see Petey but I changed my mind and made my way back down the street. When I arrived at the Burger King I found quite the oddity. 5 men who looked like they belonged to the FBI were trying to drag Petey down the street.

As I ran towards them I heard the biggest of the 5 men say," We know it's you Peterson, come to us or perish." Petey was struggling and when he saw me he thrashed even harder.

"Petey, what the hell is happening," I asked upon arrival.

"Don't worry about it, just take this,"he got his arm free and reached for a envelope under his pillow."Don't tell anyone what it says and when you read it follow the directions as soon as you can, please promise me that you will."

"Wait, just wait."

"Please just promise me," he yelled.

"Okay, fine, I promise."

"Go, go now!" He stopped struggling and let them drag him down the street. I could feel a tear begin to form in my eye but before it could roll down my cheek I was halfway to my house.

When I got through the door I said a quick hello to my parents and my older sister and locked my self in my room. I tore open the envelope and inside was a letter and 2 pieces of a newspaper. The newspaper was from July 18, 2321.

Wait it's only 2015, I thought. It had to be impossible, I had to be dreaming. I pinched my arm and from the rush of pain up my arm I could tell it was all real. I studied the news clipping more carefully and saw that it said.

Peterson Douglas our Savior!
Today the infamous Peterson Douglas has done it again. After half the world has died off from the Blaise(a string of virus that makes the inhabitant overheat along with multiple other side affects), Peterson has opened a facility where he is not only developed a cure but is developing a new society to inhabit Earth and to repopulate the different regions of our Earth.
It went on to talk about all of Peterson's great achievements and other crap.

What was happening, what was this, what the hell did it all mean? I grabbed the other news clipping and began to read.

Genius Peterson Douglas Missing!
After Peterson Douglas's many achievements something has gone wrong. Douglas went missing after talking about possibly shutting down research on during Blaise and making a possible Utopia. Has our savior turned against his country?

This one was printed almost exactly a year later on  June 31, 2322. After reading both the clippings my mind needed time to process it.

What was Blaise? Was Petey really Peterson Douglas? How could a genius become a homeless man? All these thoughts swimmer around my head but I had a feeling all my questions could be answered by the letter still on my bed. But the biggest question of all was, did I really want my questions answered? I mean the answers could change my life, my almost perfect life, I didn't want it to change, I liked my life how it was. But the fact remains, I do need some answers. So I picked up the letter and read:

Dear Lauren,

I assume you have read the newspapers and in saying that I supposed you'd be rather curious as to what the hell is going on. You were always a curious one, you remind me rather of myself as a young boy. Anyway, let's get down to business, firstly I'd like to acknowledge the fact that I love you that is why I brought you here and I shouldn't have lied to you for so long and I'm sorry for that so here's the truth. I am your grandfather and in fact I am (and I don't mean to toot my own horn,but) a multi-billion dollar genius with an IQ among some of the highest ever recorded. I have had many achievements in my lifetime and I would love to share them all with you but I'm afraid we are running rather low on time so let me tell you about the one that matters.

In the early 2310s a epidemic called Blaise which caused you to die a horrifyingly horrible death broke out over the regions of earth and I came up with a solution. Not only could I research a cure but I could test it on a almost human like being and also control most of them making a Utopia. When the outbreak began to grow worse and pestilence spread through the wide ranges of Earth I begged for the government to let you and your mother enter my Utopia before it was to late. So if your brain isn't quite understanding let me recap the only person that you have ever met that is actually real is your mom, your dad isn't your biological father, and I am your grandfather who saved you from a most painful death(you are welcome).

So, while conducting research on the artificially made humans the government began to get out of control. The were inducting unwilling people into my Utopia, trying to infect the entire population, trying to control every action of every person in the Utopia, and most importantly trying to control you. I couldn't take it anymore and I started to rebel and try and shut down the entire operation but they just wouldn't have it so I ran to the only place the knew they would not be able to find me a place of my own creation. So I ran into my own Utopia, I grew my hair and beard to a ridiculously unmanageable and completely inappropriate length and went into hiding. I didn't at first plan to meet you but destiny took its course and well certain things are unchangable.

Lastly, I have watched you grow from a small child to the beautiful young lady you are now and I think hat with your help you could be as influential and important to society as I once was. You are brilliant and I believe in you and so now I present you a choice. You can stay here and with your family and die and even more unbearable death then that of the Blaise or you can escape Utopia and I will give you the instructions how to if this just so happen to be you choice. Go down town(take this letter with you of course) and next to the City Hall building you will find a blue police box, just like the TARDIS (what can I say I'm a big fan) go into that police box and type in the numbers 5932952 and it will send you directly out of Utopia. Go unseen and be careful. And it is of upmost importance that you remember that you can do it and I love you.


My brain had stopped moving and I couldn't breath. To be quite fair the choice seemed way to easy: either stay with my family for like a couple more days(if even that long) and die or possibly live and save others.

I knew what I had to do I needed to go.

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