My Escape

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To put it simply I'm not one for sappy endings or tears or even saying goodbye. I badly needed to say goodbye to my mom but I know if I did I would want to say so instead I left a note on my desk that said:
I love you but I have to go.
I know everything and this is for Grandpa.

I crawled out my window and slinked into the driveway. I grabbed my sister's bike because I had had enough of walking for one day. I peddled down the street and about a block from my house a car pulled up next to me. The window rolled down and Ava was in the passenger seat, Max was driving, and Abby was in the backseat.

"Hey, where are you headed, do you want a lift," Ava asked.

" I can't."

"Come on we're going to the mall, please please please,"she whined.

"No, I can't." I swiftly pedaled past them and in the direction of City Hall. I finally arrived at the front steps and hopped of the bike. It took me a while to find it but finally I did. A blue police box and climbed in. I made sure no one was watching and raised my shaking fingers to the numbers. I hit each number as quickly as I could so that I couldn't change my mind.
5. I hesitated at the last number. I could still change my mind. I could still be normal and perfect. But somethings were to perfect to be true.
2. I hit the last button and for a moment nothing happened. And then everything happened at once. My head was spinning and so was the ground, lights were flashing all around me, I was falling down face first, and then I was on a dark colored wooden floor with blood gushing from my nose. I tried to catch my breathe but the room was still spinning. I heard footsteps from across the room and I tried to get up and run but I ended up falling backwards onto my ass.

The stranger ran across the room and kneeled next to me. He was my age and quite handsome. He had dark brown, wavy, shoulder length hair and eyes the same color. His complexion was tan and he was wearing black jeans, sneakers, a black and blue striped shirt, and a blue jacket. He wiped my blood on his sleeve and helped me up.

"Who are you and why are you here," he asked.

"Where exactly is here," I was still dazed and I could barely see my surroundings.

"What is your name,"he asked. I didn't know if I should tell him. Could I trust him? I decided to just not answer his question. We were at the door when in one swift movement he shoved me behind the door and stood in the doorframe.

"What the hel_." He reached to cover my mouth but accidentally grabbed my boob. I was about to scream but he found my mouth just in time. I heard footsteps quickly approaching us.

"Hey boss what are you doing here," he asked.

"Well didn't you hear, they captured Peterson Douglas and I need to question him but I heard talking," another deeper voice said.

"Um..yes I sometimes talk to myself, I think it is very influential for mind expansion."

"Hmm, very well then...carry on." The footsteps walked in the opposite direction and began to fade. He released his hand and helped me up. He then let go and let me lean against the wall. I tried to reach out and slap him but he backed away just in time.

"So um was that your breast,"he asked.

"Yeah, what do you think," I yelled.

"Well um nice breast you've got there."

"You're disgusting," I said. "Are we gonna get going?"

"No not just yet."

"And why not."

"My mom always told me not to go places with strangers, so I do believe we need a proper introduction I'm Vincent Miceli but my friends call me Vince,"he held his hand out to me but I didn't shake it.

"I don't particularly fancy meeting any new friends but thanks anyway, can we go now."

"Tell me your name then I'll take you."

"Well, then it looks like I'm going by myself," I retorted.

"No, I don't think so, because that right there,"he motioned towards my left leg. "Looks like a sprained ankle." Vincent smirked and I could tell he was trying not to laugh.

"Listen I'm not a danger to you, I'm just really confused, I can't tell you because either you won't believe me or you'll get me killed, just please trust me, please," I looked in his eyes and he looked conflicted.

"Fine, I know a back exit but your just gonna be dead weight so let me help you," he lifted me up with a surprising amount of strength for his small build."Damn, you don't weigh much."

"Thanks," I said.

He carried me down a couple flights of stairs, out a door, and into a parking lot. He laid me in the backseat of a Nissan Altima. He sat in he drivers seat and started the car. He zoomed down the street at a rate that was nowhere near safe. After a 20 minute drive we arrived outside a small apartment building. He carried me to a apartment on the ground floor and next to the door it said: 2C.

He unlocked the door and sat me down on the couch. It was decorated pretty well for a teenage boy. He disappeared behind the corner and when he came back he had a pair of shorts and a T-shirt.

"You have a lot of explaining to do but first you should shower and change clothes," he thrust the clothes in my direction and helped me into the bath room."Lean on the wall and clean up."

There was a brand new bar of soap, a rag, and more towels. I got undressed and climbed into the shower.

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