My Story

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It felt like I hadn't showered in ages. I had been in here for a while and frankly I didn't know if I'd ever come out. It was so relaxing.

I was drifting in and out of sleep while standing up when I heard a thud from the living room.

"Shit shit shit," Vince yelled followed by him running down the hallway. He went into a room that had looked like a bedroom when I had last seen it. He grabbed the bathroom door, entered, and slammed it behind him.

"What the hell are you doing," I asked, I heard a zipper and was scared. "What are you doing you creep."

"Would you please shut up," he whispered.

"Vincent, I swear, stay away from me," I yelled.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up now," he replied.

"What are you doing," I said in a quieter voice.

"It is hard to explain but trust me it is only partially voluntary, I have to come in," he said.

"Like hell you ar_," I began to say.

"I am not giving you a choice, actually yes I am, you can close your eyes or you can look I don't give a damn either way but I am coming in," he interrupted. Before I could fight it he was already getting in, giving me little time to close my eyes.

"I told you that you could look, it's really quite the sight to behold," he said sarcastically.

"Fuck you, you creep," I spat.

"Maybe later but at the current moment there is a serious reason why we are both naked and standing feet from each oth_," before Vincent could finish there was a knock on the door.

"Who is that," I asked. He shushed me and put his ear towards the wall.

"They're picking the lock," he gave what was kind of an answer.

"Is this the home of Vincent Miceli," the voice I had heard earlier said.

"Um..yes, I'm in the shower, just one second please," Vincent called. He turned the water off and jumped out. At last I could open my eyes.

He popped his head back in but his eyes were closed and whispered," Listen sweetheart this has been a truly joyous event but I have business to attend to so we must go. But maybe later I can take you up on your earlier offer." He winked and closed the curtain. I laid down at the bottom of the tub and tried not to make to much noise.

There was hushed voice of 3 other men and Vincent. It took them about 30 minutes to finish but finally I heard the door open, close, and the lock click.

"Hey sweetheart, you can come out," Vincent yelled. The time it took them to talk I had become completely dry and didn't even need the towel which was convenient because Vincent had taken it anyway. I threw on the clothes and limped into the living room.

"Stop calling me sweetheart," I said angrily.

"You are absolutely right I feel like at this point it would only be proper to use first names," he said calmly. "So Lauren tell me, why have you been lying to me."

My blood ran cold and I could barely talk but when I finally did I said," Wh-What?"

"You heard me, Lauren that is your name, right, actually it doesn't really matter because either way," he paused and held a gun."I have a feeling your gonna be telling me everything I want to know." He cocked the gun and pointed it at me.

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