Hi, baby

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9 months and 1 week later
Maya's pov:
There I was a 17 year old girl laying in a hospital bed about to give birth. I screamed in pain.
"Breath baby girl breath" my mom said as she held my hand.
I yelled in pain. As I layer there I thought back to the night my beautiful baby girl was made.
It was Halloween night and Riley and Farkle had fallen asleep so me and Lucas stayed up to watch a horror movie and I got scared and jumped. This pushed me closer to him. He laughed and our eyes met, I had never noticed how gorgeous his eyes were. He leaned in and kisses me. We started making out and went to my bedroom. Then it just happened. We decided not to tell Riley and Farkle since Riley had a huge crush on Lucas and because Farkle would tell Riley right away.
*end flashback*
I yelled in pain.
"Moma it hurts it hurts bad"
"I know baby girl I know"
The doctor came in and told me I was ready. She told me to push and I did we did this 6 tines and then I heard it. The most beautiful sound I have ever heard. The cry of my baby girl. They wrapped her up and gave her to me. She was beautiful, she had Lucas's deep green eyes.
"What's her name"
"Peyton her name is Peyton.
" a beautiful name for a beautiful girl"
My mom held her as I slept.When I awoke we went home.
"Welcome home Peyton" I whispered as we walked in. We took her to the crib and watched her as she slept.
"Yeah mom"
"Your a mom"
"I'm a mom" I said and took a deep breath
"Maya if you ever call me grandma I'll kill you" we laughed.
I couldn't believe it me Maya Hart, the broken girl,was a mom.

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