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I stood behind the door and took a deep breath. I opened the door and walked in.
Riley, Lucas , Farkle,and Mr. Mathews looked at me shocked.
"Hi" I said with tears in my eyes
"Peaches" Riley said
"Your back"
"Yeah" Riley ran up to me and hugged me we both cried. Mr Mathews hugged me and teared up and so did Farkle. I then looked up and saw Lucas. He was crying so hard. Lucas friar the tough cowboy the team captain was in tears. He ran up to me.
He held me and I sobbed into his chest.
"You'll never understand how much I missed you" he said while he looked into my eyes.
Mr Mathews excused us and we went to Topangas.
While there I told them everything that happened but saying Payton was my sister . I felt bad for lying to them but I couldn't lose them.
"Maya why did you leave" asked Riley
I didn't know what to say to them.
"I don't feel like talking about that right now"
They all nodded
"How about we go buy some Twinkies at the store for old times sake"said Lucas rembering how I loved Twinkies. I nodded and we walked to the store.
When we arrived at the store Lucas and Farkle went to get the Twinkies while me and Riley went to go find some drinks. When we got to the aisle we heard a mom and a daughter yelling.
"No mom I'm not having an abortion"
"You don't have another choice"
"We can say he's my baby brother, no one has to now that he's mine"
"Yeah we can say that and what happens when he gets older, he will be a broken child do you want that"
The mom and daughter kept arguing but I zoned out when I heard that word, broke. I don't want my daughter to be broken like me I don't want that I have to come clean even if I lose my friends I have to do what's best for my daughter.
After we paid for food we went to eat at the park.after about 20 minutes I said that I was tired from the trip and I wanted to go home. I wasn't but I needed to talk to my mom.When I got to the house with Riley my mom was on the couch.
"Awe is this Peyton"
My moms eyes widened
"Yeah this is my little sister Peyton"
My mom looked sad but she didn't say anything.
"I'm gonna put Peyton down forget nap" I said trying not to sound too momish.
"Wanna help me mom"
My mom nodded and Riley went up to her roim. We went up to the room and I locked the door.
"Mom I need to tell them she's my daughter and that Lucas is her father"
"What Maya what changed your mind"
I told her about the girl at the store and how I didn't want my daughter to be broken like me, she said she understood and that you should tell them at dinner, I agreed.
I asked Topanga if it was OK to invite Lucas and Farkle over for dinner, i told her what I wanted to do. She said it was fine. I texted Lucas and Farkle and told them to come over in 2 hours for dinner. I was so worried. I kept going over what I was gonna say. I wondered how Lucas would react. I hope it would go ok.I know they will be tears and yelling but I needed to do for my daughter.

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