The return

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4 months later
Maya's pov:
I was feeding Peyton when my mom walked in with a serious look on her face.
"What's up mom"
"Maya I have something to tell you"
And then I heard the words I never wanted to hear.
"We have to go back to new York"
I stared at her in shock
"No mama why"
"We don't have a choice, the government is selling the building and we don't have money to go anywhere else"
I didn't even bother argue, I knew we didn't have a choice.I thought about what I was gonna tell Riley.
"I called Topanga and she said we can stay with her till we can get an apartment I told her about Peyton but she promised she wouldn't say anything and that she wouldn't tell anyone we were coming"
I stared at her in shock
"Momma how could you"
"It was my only option Maya"
No one said anything for a while
"We leave tonight" my mother said as she walked out.
I picked up Peyton
"Well my little cowgirl, looks like your gonna meet your daddy"
That day me and my mom packed everything and started the long journey back to new York. We arrived 2 days later. We showed up while only Topanga was home.
We knocked as I held Peyton in my arms.
"Maya I missed you and Katy I missed you" she said hugging us.
"We missed you more"
"And this must be Peyton"
"You wanna hold her" I asked
She nodded and I passed her Peyton.
We walked in and sat down.
We told her about everything that happened. When we finished we noticed it was barely 10. I looked at my mom and Topanga.
"I'm gonna tell everyone she's my sister
"Maya are you sure you want to lie "
"I can't lose them, if I say she's mine and Lucas's I'll lose all of them"
They nodded I could tell they didn't approve but they weren't going to say anything.I looked at them both.
"Mom watch Peyton I'm going to school" I said and kissed Peyton and then said bye to them.
I got on the subway, oh how I missed it. I remembered the first time I saw Lucas on here.When the train stopped I walked to school.I opened the doors and the halls were empty.I walked to Mr. Mathews class and stood behind the closed door

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