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Vitani ran up to the crowd as Kiara backed up against the wall, Kovu standing in front of her defensively. The majority of the crowd were Outsiders; there were five others who were standing with Kovu in front of the young princess, too.

"Get back!" Kovu growled.

Kiara's eyes were wide with fear as she looked on at the raging crowd. She clung to Kovu's arm, standing half beside, half behind him. The princess looked terrified.

Vitani picked up speed, shoving through the writhing mass of people. It was difficult, and Melani glared at her as she shoved past her. Vitani hissed back, baring her teeth; the women couldn't stand one another. Melani mistreated Taka, the only part of Nuka that had survived, and Vitani constantly berated her for it.

"Please, everyone, calm down!" Nala called out. Her arms were splayed out as though to embrace them, but Vitani recognized it as a way of making herself appear larger, and therefor more threatening. "We can speak, but one at a time, please! I can't understand you all at once!"

One of them reached for the pregnant queen, who shrank back a bit but otherwise held her ground. Something in Vitani snapped and she lunged forward, grabbing Almasi by her outstretched hand and flipped her over her shoulder. While the woman lay stunned on her back, Vitani whirled around and leveled a murderous glare on the angry mob.

"Everyone, shut up and get back!" she snapped. When they hesitated, she shouted, "Now!!!"

The crowd quieted and she turned to look at Nala. Out of all the other Pride Landers, she had bonded with Nala the most. Maybe it was because, after everything, Vitani felt responsible for Kopa's death. Had she not gotten close to him, Zira would not have felt the need to kill him. Perhaps it was because Nala did not hold her responsible for Kopa. Whatever it was, Nala had stepped into the mothering role and welcomed Vitani into her family.

"You okay?" she whispered, concerned. Nala nodded, her face a bit flushed with the excitement of it all. "Do you feel all right? Is the baby--"

"I'm fine, Vitani," Nala whispered back. "I'm more worried about Kiara; she's the one they want."


"I don't know."

Vitani gave a curt nod and walked to Kovu, who was now holding a stricken Kiara close, glaring at anyone who dared to stray too close for his liking.

"Hey, little brother," she said lightly. "What's going on?"

"I don't know," he said in a low voice. "I left her side for five minutes and when I came back she was surrounded. I haven't exactly had a chance to ask her what was going on."

"We need to speak with the princess!" one of them called out loudly. "It is our right!"

"If it's so important, then speak calmly!" Vitani snarled. "It is your right to speak, but it is your duty to put our leader's well-being before petty squabbles!"

"If anything is petty, it is that simpering child quivering in Kovu's arms! How do we know she is worthy to lead us?"

"She is worthy because Kovu chose her! Do you think he would mate someone who did not have our best interests at heart?"

"Intentions and views are meaningless without the strength to uphold them! She must prove herself, as we all have!"

Vitani growled at the same time Kovu's teeth came together with an audible clack. His arms tightened around Kiara and he glared at Dotty.


"Kovu, please, listen to reason--"

"You will listen to reason!" he all but roared. "I will consent to anything that might put Kiara in harm's way!"

"And when you took her hunting? When she almost died?"

"I will not risk it!"

"Have you so little faith in your mae, then, Kovu?" Dhamiri asked calmly. "If you cannot rely upon her, then how are we to look to her for leadership?"

"Kovu, what is she talking about?" Kiara asked.

"Nothing," he growled, glaring over Kiara's head.

"A challenge has been issued, Majesty," Dhamiri said calmly.

"Wha kind of challenge?"

"Kiara, no--"

"What kind of challenge?" she repeated loudly, ignoring Kovu.

"You must prove yourself," the older woman replied. "You have shown us already that you are a capable hunter, and you have proven to be... diplomatic. However, we have a way of living that does not alway call for diplomacy. When Zira ruled, disputes were solved in matches and bouts of strength. We fought to gain rank, and we clawed our way up the hierarchy. We grew in blood and fought with bone. Ours is a violent culture, and while we try to put it aside, there are aspects of our way of life that cannot... will not be ignored."

There was a pregnant pause, and it seemed like no one, not even the Outlanders, dared to take a breath.

"What do I have to do?" Kiara asked finally, voice soft.


"You will go against our strongest fighter--"

"I will not fight my sister," Vitani snarled, fists clenched at her sides.

"-- Who will show no bias where you are concerned. Vitani, we would never ask that of you."

"If not Vitani, then who?"

"My own daughter," Dhamiri said, and gestured a young woman forward. She looked much like Dhamiri, hair short, dark and curly, with dark eyes and freackles that mirrored her mother's. "Ishara shall be your opponent. Defeat her, and you shall have our undying loyalty and we will follow you as we follow Kovu. However, if you do not... I cannot guarantee that we will stay, or that there will not be yet another war between our people."

"You are giving your leader's mate an ultimatum?" Kovu demanded. "You are threatening to defect and wage war on your own people?"

"I am trying to do what is best for our people!" Dhamiri snapped, then closed her eyes and calmed herself. "I have no doubt that Kiara is fit to rule, and were it up to me, we would not even be discussing this, but the law demands evidence that she is fit to rule."

"The old laws are no longer relevant, Dhamiri," Kovu whispered. "We're free."

"The challenge has been issued, Kovu," Ishara spoke up. "What happens now depends on Kiar--"

"I accept."

Everyone looked to the princess, jaw set and a determined look in her eyes. Kovu pulled her aside and started whispering.

"Kiara, you don't understand," he pleaded. "This isn't a game--"

"I know that, Kovu, but I can't let the Pride Lands fall into a civil war. Do you know what that would do? It would be worse than when Scar reigned. We would be too busy tearing at each other's throats to keep the Hyena clan at bay and uphold the balance. This is something I have to do, Kovu." She stepped out of his arms and turned to face Ishara, a haughty look on the other woman's face.

Kiara lifted her chin.

"Ishara, I accept your challenge."


Hey, everyone. I am so, so, so very sorry about not updating. The year I started this story was the same year my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer, and I'm sad to say that we lost her. While we were taking care of first her medical and health and then her funeral, I forgot all about this story. I'm not going to lie, updates are going to be slow, but I have not abandoned this fic and I WILL finish it. Again, I am extremely sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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