Author's Note

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Me: Oh my God, you guys, I LOST MY FLASH DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Cries hysterically) I am so, so soooooooo sorry! I swear, I will go the way of the samurai and perform seppuku. (Lifts blade high up)

Vitani: (Catches my hand and throws away butter knife) Shelby, don't you think you're overreacting just a little bit?

Me: (Sobs like a baby) I'VE LOST MY FLASH DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!

Vitani: (Rolls eyes) And you'll find it. Geez, Shell, just chill out. (To Readers) You'll have to excuse Shelby. She's freaking out about her flash drive. (To me) It's not the end of the world!

Me: YES IT IS!!!!!!!

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