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    A few friends and I had been planning a trip to Japan ever since the 9th grade. I had forgot about Frank over the course of a year and had forgotten he lived in Japan. I had forgotten he really even existed.

      My mom picked me up to take me to the airport. The other three stood waiting for me already at the terminal. "who's ready for Japan?!" Noah yelled excitedly. We all cheered like college students going to the beach for spring break.

      "Flight 157 to New York nw bording," the attendent called for our first half of our connecting flight. After saving up for so long we could afford first class. We had the luxury of sitting at the front of the plane with extra leg room and the chairs were a bit more cushened than the rest of the plane.

     I slept on the plane from New York to Germany and from Germany to Japan. The jet lag was hitting me hard as we passed through timezones.

      "Where are the subtitles," one of the kids in my group spoke as we exited the plane into the airport. I pointed to each sign that had characters and english translation which was nearly all of them. I am a smart as like that so I just had to take the opportunity when I saw it.

      "You aren't Papa," Noah said back wanting to slap him in the face. None of us were looking forward to spend a month with a kid this annoying. no one cared if he was in a relatonship with another group member or not. Hell, even his girlfriend didn't want him to come.

      We had rented an apartment for the month to make our stay more homie. Before unpacking and settling in we went shopping for a few hosehold necessities such as toliletries and food. Luckily I brushed up on some japanese before traveling with my old friends because none of them could read the packaging or find the english writing on it. They know there basic ramen though so that was a majority of what we got.

      When we arived at the appartment I was left to cook while the others serched for something good on the television. there were a few english shows on BBC but all were too boring so the just watched game shows that they couldn't understand. We had all stuffed our faces with noodles and rice then casually fell asleep on the couch with the tv still playing rediculous shows.

The next moring I was the first to rise. I quietly picked up my bags from the dinning room and waddled up the stairs to claim my room first. I finished unpacking and settled in before anyone woke up from their coma. I was out like a light after that.


      "ah what the hell?" my friend Mariah said looking into the master bedroom noticing my body sprawled out across the bed. She walked in and climbed onto the bed with a devious smile plastered to her pale face.

      "I wouldn't if I were you." her boyfriend, Drake, warned her.

      "oh come on, what is she going to do? Hit me? Everyone knows I'll hit her back. Even she knows that." said said at normal volume tring not to wake me as she spoke because she had a different plan. She stood over me and started to jump.

      I grabbed her foot and she fell on top of me. "stop. I, the almighty Sam, has claimed this room for the month, now go." I let go of her leg.

      "Well maybe I wanted it. Did you think of that?" she said rolling around on top of me.

      "Well than you can stay in it with me." I smiled.

      "I will have none of that." Drake exclaimed when he saw me smile.

      "no one asked you," I replied.

      "I wanted this room the other one is too small. Are you going to stay in here with Noah?" she kept rolling around on me.

      "Ha, no but like I said, you can sleep in here with me," I said back.
      "No, just give it to me," she begged. I immediately threw her off of me and rolled on top of her.

      "boob squeeze!" I yelled as I reached out and sqeezed her boobs. "No. It's mine, now get out. You can have the other one and Noah can take the couch." I said as I got off of her. She threw herself of the bed.

      "You are so gay," said Drake as he walked to the other room after witnessing all of that.

      "hey! I am not! I like guys to," I joked. I rolled out of bed and grabbed a fresh pair of clothes consisting of a pastel pink adidas shirt and a black pair of skinny jeans. I pushed the door shut with a small shove and changed. I checked my face in the bathroom mirrors, called it good and headed back down stairs with a backpack and a pair of adidas running shoes.

      "where you going?" Mariah asked.

      "Exploring," I replied grabbing my retro windbraker.

      "alone? Can I go?" she asked.

      "if you want, I don't care." I said opening the door. She immediately jumped over the couch and put her shoes on. "Well you guys have fun I don't care what you do just don't kill yourselves and don't burn the house down we still have to live here for the rest of the month." I said when I was about to walk out the door.

      "I might perform a chin chin sacrifice," Drake spoke.

      "I don't know what that is but okay. Have fun." I replied shutting the door.


      Drake looked at Noah when the door shut, "dude, wanna go film a chin chin sacrifice?" he asked.

      "Not really," Noah replied with a slightly distasteful look.

      "well it's your loss."


      "What an idiot! Why did we ever invite him?" I said to Mariah. She shrugged her shoulders and didn't say a word. We were both the same age yet she looked more innocent but stood taller than me by just a couple of inches.

      We checked out many cool places, shops, and eateries. We even traveled to Tokyo and spent hours there. Mariah made me buy candy for her because she had forgotten her money but it was no trouble to me because I shared the same liking for candy with her.

      It was nearly nine when I suggested we should get on a subway and go back to town. The subway made a few stops when we got on and then it was a straight shot there. Mariah sat and I stood. We noth road in silence. at the next stop a group of guys got on. each a different ethnicity. I didn't dare to actually look at them. I watched as Mariah plaied on her phone and occasionally checked mine.

------George's POV------
      It was about 9:30 when me and my friends got on a subway to head home after a long day of playing around. When we got on we stopped being as loud as we were to respect the others aroud us. I decided to stand becaus there were no other place to sit by them. I had looked up from my phone and saw what looked like an old friend of mine. It was probably just my mind playing tricks on me.

      "Hey guys," I whispered to make sure the girl didn't hear me. They all looked at me. "you see that girl? One with the red jacket?" I slightly pointed. They shook there heads to confirm. "I think she's kind of hot. I should bring Frank out and have him pick her up."

      "Dude, that just sounds like you are talking about your dick," one of them said. "Why don't you do it yourself? Do it." I looked away from them and at her. I sighed and nonchalantly slid over to her. I stood right behind her. And opened my mouth to say something.

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