Bye Bye

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      It was dark out when we had decided to leave Universal. We were all loud as we walked to the train station. Joji still tugged on my lanyard to fuck with me. Drake rammed in to me with his fat body to make me fall over. We got closer to the statin and started walking on the platform. I had gotten tired of him pushing me so I shoved him to get back. He fell off the end of the platform and landed on the tracks.

      He stayed there for a minute. A train that wasn't going to stop at this station was speeding in. "Drake get up! There is a train coming." Noah said warning him. Drake used his arms to push his body off the ground and too a knee. The train horn sounded. He looked in the direction the horn sound came from. There was a light, the train light.

      "Yo dude get out of there!" Joji yelled at him. He was stuck with one knee on the ground starring at the single light coming straight for him. The locomotives horn sounded again. He was frozen in fear. I knew what was coming and was going to let it happen. The train got closer and closer and soon it came in contact with his body. There were screams even from me but on the inside I was laughing as hard I could. "Oh shit!" Joji yelled. His eyes widened. The train never stopped until its next stop.

      I had just murdered some one with one touch. I had shoved him right into his death. When the front of the train hit him the blood had gone everywhere. It had such a ran I had even gotten a few drops on my face. It was warm. Every one was in shock with what had just happened other them me. I was happy that he was gone.

      He had cheating on Mariah and I never wanted to tell her. He had done it more then once. He had done it so many times he deserved his death.

      Blood on the platform, The Police were call and we were interrogated.  I had to have George in the room to translate every question asked. I had a story, told Mariah and the others to keep their mouths shut. Played it off as if it was an accident. I was interrogated the George.

      "He was walking on the edge of the platform and had fallen off of it." I said to the officer. George translated it for him. Later that night we were taken home. Mariah was still traumatized but I knew she would get over it sooner or later. The scene replayed in my head over and over. The sound of his bones cracking as the metal rammed his side.

      Zoe stayed with Mariah in her room while George and I went to my room and shut the door. I had crawled up in the bed. the part where the train had sounded its horn then hit him flashed in my head. My face hit the pillow. He crawled up beside me sitting up against the headboard. I rolled over laying my head on his stomach and cuddling up close to his side. "Why didn't you just tell them?" He asked me playing with my hair.

      "I don't need to be charged with murder and neither do they, not here. Especially not you." I said clenching his shirt. When we went silent the scene played again, stuck on repeat. I had remembered the others facial expressions noticing Zoe looked how I did, that look of no emotion. She had felt no emotion. She knew everything he had done to.

      "I understand." Joji said a little while later interruption the repetitive flashback. I had noticed more and more as the moment played again and again. I noticed the severed hand on the other side, His head caving in as the train crushed it with its speed, all the blood, the sound of his body mass colliding with the front of the train. "Get some sleep you need it after what happened earlier." He said getting up and walking to the door. When he left Zoe came barging in. I sat up quickly.

      "You really did it." She said almost... Happy? Yeah, happy. She showed no anger at the fact that I had basically just murdered our best friends boyfriend. "And is he really Filthy Frank?" She asked pointing at the door.

      "The one and only." I nodded.

      "I cant believe that asshole is really gone." She was talking about Drake again. She sat on the bed with me and we ranted to each other  about how much we hated him and how much he deserved what happened. Us talking made me forget the flashbacks of the crime. Mariah was asleep after crying so much, Noah was asleep on the couch, Me and Zoe were catching up and George sat at the kitchen table thinking. Two hours went by as Zoe and I wasted time. Joji decided to finally come check on me.

      He opened the door. Zoe and I sat on the bed watching TV and eating candy. When I saw him come through the door I held out one to him. He looked around looking frustrated. "How could you two get over something like that so fast? You both just witnessed your friend die. Sam you even fucking murdered him." 

      "Well Really he wasn't my friend ever. I hated him from the beginning." I said chewing on the gummy.

      "Why did he even come then?"

      "Mariah. Zoe didn't come because she wasn't in the original plan since ninth grade. I mean neither was Drake but they were still together so I'm like yeah sure if you can buy your own ticket and help pay the rent." I said.

      "I mean he was a complete asshole." Zoe added.

      "So you fucking killed him?" He raised his voice a bit.

      Zoe pat me on the knee and got up them left the room shutting the door behind her. "Look, I didn't mean for him to die, really. I only pushed him because he was slamming his fat ass into me and I have taken his abuse since the tenth grade and I was sick off it. I didn't mean for him to fall of the station platform. I didn't mean for him to not get up. I didn't mean for him to get ran over. None of what happened other then me pushing him was intended." I turned off the TV. I started to clear off the bed. He went and sat in the office chair at the desk.

      There was silence. I stood up and put somethings away. I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them off. I walked over to the dresser and got out some pants and a shirt to sleep in. I shut the drawer and started to walk away when George Grabbed my shirt. I stopped as I felt the tug. He looked at me with this sad puppy face. I turned to face him. His hands were placed on my hips. "Can I take a shower?" I asked breaking the silence.

      "Yeah." He answered taking his hands off of me. I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I turned on the water and stripped down. When I had gotten in the shower the thoughts started to come back to me.

      I looked away when he was hit but I looked back soon after. I felt a sense of joy even now. He did nothing but stare at the train and wait for his death. He didn't even try to save himself. What a fucking idiot he was. He knew a hell of a lot about imperialism in the tenth grade but he couldn't even fucking save himself when he had enough time to.

      Blood. There was so much blood. The warm water falling on me reminded me of nothing but the warm fresh blood that had gotten all over everything. Everything including me. Small droplets that I had wiped off my face with a wet cloth at the police station.

      So many flashing lights. Between the cop cars and the cameras of the investigators I couldn't quite figure out which one was causing my massive headache. I saw nothing but the faces of others when I turned my head right before he got hit. So many people were in pure terror. luckily none of them saw what I had done. I pushed him right into his death.

      Everyone says things happen for a reason. I could think of so many god damn reasons to why he was plowed down by a train. I could think of so many reasons to why I actually pushed him, to why Mariah and I had made fun of him since when they first got together, why he never even deserved Mariah in the first place, to why she should have been with me.

      I thought to hard. I always think to hard to where my head starts to hurt. For the next couple of minutes I just focused on my shower. I  just stood there in the falling water. I picked up the shampoo bottle and squeezed some in my hand and started to lather my hair. The bathroom door opened. It was so steamy in there I couldn't tell who it was till I heard the voice. "hey Sam." It was George.


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