Preference #1 (part 1): How you meet/get to know them (Dean, Dayl & Ryan).

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Dean - Dean's out with his grandma one day and takes her to a cafe, once there he spots this beautiful girl across the room who takes his breath away. It's you. He wants to go over and talk to you but he notices that you're with your family so doesn't really want to disturb you. His grandma notices that he can't take his eyes off you so tells him to go over and talk you anyway because your family probably won't mind as long as he remembers his manners, so he does. He offers to buy you a drink and you accept, then you end up just sat talking to Dean for the rest of your time there.

Dayl - You're in McDonalds getting your favourite food, you've just paid for it and pick up the tray with the food on before turning to head for an empty table. Your eyes scan the room to try and find one as the place is quite busy that day when next thing, this guy isn't concentrating on where he's walking and walks straight into you, knocking your food out of your hands and all over the floor. You hear a few people laugh and this group of guys who are sat in the corner of the room all cheer as they find it amusing, your cheeks turn a bright red from embarrassment and you just want to run out of there leaving the food behind, but instead you turn your head to look at the guy who walked into you and you see that it's Dayl. He's very apologetic and goes and buys you another meal, not taking no for an answer as he was the one who caused it. You expect him to go after that but he doesn't, he sits with you to make sure you're ok, staying with you for almost the rest of the day because he wants to make it up to you.

Ryan - The primary school you used to attend has been short staffed lately so you're helping them out by being a teacher's helper for a bit. This happens to be the same school that Ryan's siblings go to as well. So one day Ryan decides to surprise them by picking them up from school because he knows they'll like that, whilst there he spots you across the playground and he's attracted immediately. From that day he starts picking them up more and more because he gets to see you and know you better. One day his little brother makes a comment about him fancying you and that he wants to kiss you to wind Ryan up, you laugh it off because you think he's just joking but Ryan blushes and starts fumbling over his words which isn't usually like him so you know it must be true. Eventually he just blurts it out, asking you to go on a date with him.

NOTE: Part 2 will be up shortly with how you met/get to know Cian, Brendan and Josh. They're a bit long so thought I'd upload them in two different parts, hope you enjoy! ~ Stacey 💕

HomeTown PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora