Preference #1 (part 2): How you meet/get to know them (Cian, Brendan & Josh).

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Cian - one of your friends is going to a house party and they have no one to go with, so being the good friend that you are, you offer to go with them despite your lack of interest in such parties. Once there it's not as bad as you think it was going to be but your friend's ends up crush showing up, so your friend goes off to spend time with them, leaving you all by yourself. You're pretty annoyed at your friend for doing that to you but you don't want to go home on your own so just sit in a corner by yourself with your drink. After a few minutes you hear this guy's voice next to you ask if you've been abandoned as well, when you turn your head Cian's sat next to you with a smile on his face. He's all by himself as well and noticed what happened so decided to keep you company, he even gives you the last slice of cake that he initially got for himself because you didn't get any.

Brendan - you're at your friend's house one day and lose track of time, before you know it it's pretty late at night and your friend's ready to go to bed. You say your goodbyes and head off to the bus stop to catch the last bus home, just as you get closer you see the last bus just pulling up in the distance so run as quick as you can to catch it, but it's too late, it pulls away. You slump down on one of the benches in the bus stop and phone your parents to ask if they can pick you up but there's no answer, they must already be in bed so you try a couple of your friends to see if they will, no answer from them either. You start to panick, you live quite a few miles away so too far to walk and don't have money for a taxi. After a couple minutes of trying to get through to someone with no luck you see someone walk up to you, at first you're wary but then recognise who it is, it's Brendan. Your families are pretty close to each other but you've never talked to each other much, but you know he's a nice guy. He asks what you're doing there at that time so you tell him everything, and once you've finished he offers to drive you home in his car as he doesn't like to see you there on your own at that time. You talk the whole way home and get to know each other a lot better.

Josh - You get dragged along to a football match one day with a couple people you know, you really didn't want to go but it's a charity match so you're going to support the charity. Once there you're just sat in the stands looking bored as you don't really know much about football so can't follow it that well. At half time you go to see what food they're selling and get talking to this guy there, he says his name's Josh and he noticed you didn't seem to be having much fun so you explain everything to him. Once you have your food he follows you back to where you're sitting and sits down with you and your friends, you ask him what he's doing so he says he wants to help you have more more of a good time there. For the next few minutes explains exactly what's going on to you to help but you still don't entirely understand it, so you both just end up talking about random stuff and you find yourself now having fun there.

NOTE: sorry it's taken a while to post but finally part 2 is finished, hope you like it and let me know if you have any ideas for future preferences! ~ Stacey 💕

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