Preference #2: Where he takes you on your first date.

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Dean - There's a carnival/fair in town so he invites you to go along with him. Once there he holds your hand on the rides in a protective way and wins you a huge teddy bear on one of the stalls.

Dayl - You go out for a nice meal at an Italian restaurant and order two different kind of pizzas that you both love so share them with each other.

Ryan - He knows that you're not into anything fancy so takes you to McDonalds as you both love it. After that you go for a nice walk where he holds your hand as you talk away.

Cian - He decides to take you to an ice skating rink because he thinks it would be a fun date and that you'd enjoy it. You're both not very good at it so fall over a few times but you have a laugh with each other and enjoy yourself.

Brendan - He takes you for a picnic in the park where he's made loads of different kind of foods which he thinks you'd like, and you spend most of the time talking and getting to know each other better.

Josh - He invites you over to his place and you were going to go out but you both end up staying in and play videos games, watch movies and have fun with each other.

{hope you enjoy and if there's any preferences you'd like to see just let me know and I'll do it! ~ Stacey 💕}

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