Chapter 2

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I awoke to a small, warm hand playing with my face. I opened my eyes to find Rosaline smiling and looking at every feature my face had, "good morning beautiful" I said in a groggily tone "mowning Luna" she giggled before climbing into bed and snuggling into me. "Luna, why did mummy and daddy leave us? Where did they go?" She quietly whispers, I could feel my eyes stinging with tears but I didn't let her see me breakdown, I couldn't. "Mummy and daddy had to visit a place called heaven. They are in peace now Rose, that's all that you need to know" I said while softly stroking her long locks "but I miss them, when are they coming home?" her voice cracks at the end of her sentence which makes my heart ache for the motherless baby "Rosaline, mummy and daddy aren't coming home. They can't come home. They loved you very much and they were so proud of the strong girl you have grown up to be. Stay strong princess" I sigh before giving her a small kiss on the forehead. If only you knew how painful this is mum, dad you should've being here. For an hour, we laid in silence, me, mourning the family I lost 2 years and Rosaline, slowly drifting into a sleep. I got up and left her to keep sleeping for a bit more, I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to be a little late for school.

An hour later, Rosaline had woken up and we were walking out the door. The car drive to the kindergarten was silent, too silent. "Rosaline, what's the matter?" I softly whispered "I'm just trying to fink about mummy and daddy, they make me calm" she sighed. I realised that she never got to know what they looked like, she was too young at the time. I handed her a photo from my pocket and gave it to her "Rosaline, meet mummy and daddy. They will always be with you, okay? No matter where they are they will always be here" I said in a soft voice while putting my hand on my heart. When we arrive at the centre, Rosaline gave me a hug before running off to play with the other kids. As I was walking away, a teacher approached me and introduced herself "hi, my names Ivana. Luna, right?" She said while giving me a warm smile "yeah, how did you know?" I questioned "I'm a helper in Rosaline's class, she is so sweet and I thought I'd let you know that she is one of the most warming kids we have in our class" he said with a sweet smile. "Not to be rude or nosey, but how old are you? You look about my age" I mumbled out, trying to sound as nicest and not too nosey as possible "oh that's okay! Ask me whatever you want. Yeah, I dropped out last year because I couldn't afford school fees. So I found myself a job at this kindergartener and instantly fell in love with these little fellas" she said in a loving tone; she obviously loved these kids with a passion. "Anyways, I thought id just introduce myself to THE Luna Degray, Rosaline insisted that I met you" I smiled "that's my Rosaline" I replied before we departed from our chat.

When I arrived at school, I instantly fell into my quiet and careless mood. Who even cares about this shit hole? Definitely not me. I thought to myself as I walked to my first class, when I walked in and that caught everyone's attention. "And Ms. Degray, please explain why you are late AGAIN" Mr. Hazeldine said in an agitated voice "oh I don't know, I just didn't feel like going to this hell hole" I said in a bored voice which made him even more angrier but because the teachers at this school are pathetic and sloppy, he let it slide; obviously because of my dead parents. I guess it's a gift, that I never get in trouble. I kind of questioned before I put my earphones in and rested my head on the desk.

I was disturbed from my beauty sleep when I felt someone roughly shaking my arm. I say up and ripped my earphones out, "sorry, did I disturb your little nap in the middle of my class?" Mr. Hazeldine sighed "your not the only teacher to do it sir, no need to apologise" I said in a sarcastic voice before I started to walked away "Luna, I don't know why your doing this to yourself; I don't know why your pushing everyone and everything away. I know life's not easy-" I cut him off "not easy? For fuck it's not easy! My parents are dead, I have to raise my younger sister who absolutely doesn't deserve this life and I am depressed. Does that sound like a dream life to you?" I said while laughing hysterically. Mr. Hazeldine just stood their with the saddest eyes "I'm sorry Luna, I have no idea what your going through but I know your going to get through it" he said in the softest and sweetest that he's ever used towards me "Mr. Hazeldine please don't, I can't have anymore sympathy crap. I cannot deal with this" I weakly whispered before leaving the class room in a slouched walk.

This day was going from bad to worst but hey, I've had worser days than this. Obviously, the 'popular girls' (also called PG's because it's shorter) over heard Mr. Hazeldine's and my conversation because they started giving me sympathetic smiles before making their way over to me "oh hey, what do you bitches have to offer me today? An insult? Or are you going to be easy on me and just give me dirty looks all day?" I say with a fake smile and in a sarcastic voice. They all just stood their saying 'nawww' and rubbed my shoulder "it's okay to let your feelings out Lun, where all here for you" one of them said and I immediately knew that they were trying to send me over the edge. You wanna play nice? Okay, let's play nice then ladies. I said in my head while I put a soft expression on my face "thanks girls, I appreciate all you've done to me. Let me repay you" I say before slamming my fist into one of the 4 girls face, then grabbing another girls face and slammed it into a locker door, the third girl got her legs swiped out from under her and the fourth girl escaped me before she got smashed. The hall went silent and I just gasped before saying "oh, I hope I have repayed you enough for the damage you did to my life" I say in an apologetic voice before returning to my old, hateful self. I already started counting down in my head; 3...2...1. "Ms Degray to my office NOW" I heard the principle yell, well I guess not being noticed this year won't happen.

As I walked into principal Carmill's office, all I can say is he didn't look happy. "Hey Mr. Carmills" I said in a soft voice, hell I couldn't get kicked out of this school. He sighed "Ms. Degray, I don't know what's going on. I don't know why all of a sudden you've flipped out" I swallowed the lump in my throat before I weakly said "I can explain" he stood up and smashed his hands against his desk "well you better start explains because I'm fed up with your behaviour. Teachers and students have had to deal with it and I think that if this goes any further I will be forced to expel you" I sighed "no body's perfect sir" I said in a cold voice "Ms. Degray, you don't need to be perfect; you just need to straighten up your attitude" he said in a quiet voice. "You've got detention today and tomorrow. I expect you to be their otherwise things will have to be dealt with the complicated way" he said before shooing me away. Why the hell do I exist, life bruises me enough.

The lessons went by quick and in no time, I was making my way to detention. As I make my way to a spare desk, I sat down and rested my head on the desk; hoping that this day could end faster then I hoped. "I enjoyed watching you beat those rich idiots into the ground" I hear an unfamiliar voice compliment my fighting skills, "sorry do I know-" I said while my eyes came into contact with the familiar face I saw in the hallway. He smirked at me "the names Solis" he said in a sweet tone "I'm Luna and if you would kindly remove your self from this desk that would be appreciated" I said harshly "I see someone's a little cold, well lucky I'm here to warm you up" he said in a whisper so the teacher wouldn't yell at us for talking "no, I don't need anyone warming up to me or whatever shit your talking about so don't try because your going to fail to get my attention" I said in a bored voice. Luckily, the bell went and I was free to leave and forget about this small talk. "What class have you got now?" I heard Solis question "I don't know and I don't care" I said as I made my way to the back door "well if you don't care then either do" he said in a reckless voice "ha, nice joke. Now get to class, wouldn't you just hate to fall out of line? Don't get me wrong, your perfect like every other freaking teenager in this world?" I said in a careless tone as I made my way to the benches "last time I checked no body cares so yes, actually I do fall out of line and no I'm not perfect" he replied before we both sat down. He pulled out a cigarette and placed it in my mouth before lighting it carefully, his features were soft and beautiful but I saw sadness in his eyes. Luna Degray, what mess are you trying to get yourself into. I silently scolded myself while he pulled out a cigarette for himself and lit it carefully again "Luna, your in pain, your hurting. I can tell by the way you carry yourself" Solis softly said while looking into my eyes "no I'm fine, just tired. I have to go, thanks for the cigarette" I say before pulling myself away from the bench and making my way towards my car. He can't know your hurting, he really can't Luna.

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