Brown Eyes

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I'm scared, I'm so very scared of losing it all, the slick cute curls of your hair and those big brown eyes that never seem to pry away from mine, the ones that make my heart beat faster each and every time, God I am so scared because losing you would fucking hurt. Love is like a ticking time bomb and I'm hoping that our tick never ceased to stop because I can't imagine a life without those big brown eyes, I can't imagine a life without those sweet looks you give me, and your gentle but menacing touch that reminds me of a beautiful storm. A life without these things would be a lie, a sad lie because I would be acting happy but inside I'd be feeling trashy and like shit because nobody would ever give me attention like you did. So forgive me if I seem to be distant at times but the truth is i fear those big brown eyes because I know they will tear me down one day inside and I will try to be happy but I will fail because the bomb will have gone off and left irreversible damage and I know I wouldn't be able to manage, love is a scary thing because once the bomb rings all that is left is the memories, so please forgive me for I am scared and forever will be.


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