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"Hello. I think I accidentally fell for you
oh shit
that's awful.
No, not the falling, don't worry,
just the opening; the first sentence. I'm tripping over my tongue.
You make me nervous and you make me talk too fast and my cheeks hurt from smiling and I'm not sure how to fit my teeth together comfortably anymore does everyone have this problem on first dates how would I know and what difference would it make see I'm rambling I'm erratic and I can't sit still but damn your eyes are pretty they're so pretty I don't remember what your nose looked like or your fingernails or your neck or or or
I've lost myself again.
I seem to keep doing that when I'm with you.
Good lost though.
Like I've torn up the map and turned my phone to airplane mode.
I don't think I've turned my phone to airplane mode for anyone before.
I don't think I've sat in a café for two and a half hours before either. Definitely not until the waitress came and kicked us out because they were cashing up.
I don't remember how to think when you're around.
it's like I don't need to.
I spent the whole train journey going over and over in my head when we met should we hug? kiss on the cheek? hug... cheek... wave? No wave, yes hug
I don't even remember what happened anymore, it seems so insignificant compared to the ache in my rips and cheeks.
it's like a cramp that I never want to stretch out. I keep crinkling my eyes like someone's offered me a million pounds if I manage to get deep wrinkles in the corners before I'm 30 when ever I think of you. Like like like. That's all this is a bunch of screwed up similes that will never flatten out.
I think I have a problem
But the only person I want to see about it is you."

-R.R-P (wildwritings)

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