On a night like tonight,could you watch a man die?

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Chapter nine

Kier stared up at the ceiling of the house, me and Luke exchanged a worried glance as we stood there in silence the guards not reacting to Kiers presence was unsettling.Suddenly the double doors in front of us swung open, the leader appeared with guards either side of him, was he going to kill us all? oh god no. Kier looked at me, his face was worried, i wanted to tell him that everything was going to be fine, but that would be a lie.

"welcome back" the leader said with a grin

We stood in silence,the faint sensation began to take over my body again, no not again no. i said to myself, i couldn't pass out in this situation.Kier stood between me and Luke, he smiled at the leader.

"well done barrone,luke. i didn't think you would be able to convince him to come back" he said walking closer to us

"can we go now?" Luke said facing the leader

"why would you want to do that? you would miss all the fun."

i looked up to face the leader, he looked at me and laughed. He knew i didn't want him to kill kier

" aww, barrone. Are we feeling guilty?" the leader asked

Kier looked at me confused, i refused to make eye contact with him.The leader came within ten centimeters of my face, i looked up towards him, deep down i knew he didn't want to kill people, not really. I stared hard into his brown eyes.Holding back emotions from the whole thing, he scared back. He lifted his hand and placed it on my cheek.

"aw did you make friends with him?" he said turning my head to face kier with force from his hand.

Kier stared at me, he looked as if he was about to cry, what have i done.

"you're not much of a friend are you?!" the leader shouted pushing me onto the marble ground.my skull collided with the floor. I grabbed my head in pain.

The leader clicked his fingers and pointed towards kier, the guards marched over and pulled at kiers arms restraining him from moving, he tried to pull away but couldn't. He turned to look at me still struggling, i lay on the floor and turned away. I couldn't save him, i wasn't strong enough anyway.

"i think you have gathered by now that barrone and Luke didn't care about you, they have brought you here to be killed, because when rules are broken there are consequences" the leader said to kier smiling

I stood up.

"Don't do this Laurence!"i shouted

The leaders head shot round at the sound of his name.He quickly walked over to face me. He angrily stared at me.

"what.did.you.say?" he said in an angry whisper

i breathed in, you can do this.

"i said. don't do this Laurence" i said slowly not breaking eye contact

"i thoughts that's what you said" he walked away, he then clicked his fingers "guards"

Two guards from either side of the room appeared and grabbed me by the arms and waist, i tried to struggle, but they were too strong. I was getting killed tonight for sure.

I looked towards kier still struggling to escape once again, the tears rolled down his face.

"I'm sorry!" i shouted

Kier looked at me, his eyes pierced through my heart, the guilt and the fact that we were now both going to die was too much.

"I TRUSTED YOU!" he screamed loudly

Those words broke me, tears formed in my eyes. I tried to stay strong, but they ran down my cheeks faster and faster.

"I'm so sorry" i whispered

"well this is all very nice but I'm afraid its going to have to end now" the leader said

"NO" I screamed

He turned round to face me.

"no?" he said confused

"remember when we used to play by that river Laurence? And we would sit down and eat food we had made the day before and we would just sit there and talk. Laurence, this isn't you. I know you remember" i said looking at him

"i don't know what you're talking about barrone" he said walking away from me

"yes you do!" i shouted "remember when we would draw and write all day and talk,before any of this happened! do you remember Laurence!? Because we were best friends! and the Laurence i know, the real Laurence doesn't want to hurt anyone, ever."

He turned away from me,and then clicked his fingers. The guards began to drag me and kier away.Kier screamed, i stayed quiet nothing i could do would save us.Luke still stood in front of the leader began walking the opposite way, ignoring the fact that we would bleed till sunrise in the tower, not even making eye contact with us, Laurence, still did not look at me.He remembered the good times we had before he became the leader of this cult.

But it didn't matter now because no matter how hard we tried to escape it was no use, we were dragged roughly up the tower steps where many had lost their lives before, by being cut by the throat and left there to bleed till sunrise, and now it was our turn.

The door was unlocked to the tower, the over powering smell of corpses filled my airways,i heaved at the sight before me, seven dead people lay on the floor in front of use, the guards pushed me and kier into the small tower room and quickly locked the door. The room had one window with vertical bars across it, and the walls were stone, there was no escape, was the leader waiting till sunrise to kill us? If so sleeping in the same room as the corpses would not be pleasant. Kier walked over to the bars on the small window and looked out.

"how could you?" he asked not turning round to face me

"i was told to go and find you, it was my life or yours,i didnt feel good about it" i said sitting down next to one of the dead women sprawled out on the floor.

"but its not my life or yours now is it?! were both going to die now because of you!" he shouted while turning round

He then walked over and sat in front of me.

"but whats the point in holding grudges when you haven't got much life to live?" he said

i looked up to face him, he was amazing. He was managing to smile, even though we were about to die and were sat in a prison tower with a room full of rotting corpses.I moved my body over and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry" i whispered in his ear

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