Violent Violet (MONOLOGUE)

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"You know what? You're just like everyone else. You guys always ask the same thing and act like there's a simple freaking answer. 'Why are you so angry, Violet?' Like what kind of question is that? You want an answer Doctor, I'll give you one.

I'm so angry because it's all I know. Wouldn't you be angry if you lived amongst such selfish individuals that it made you want to puke and scrub your skin raw with soap? Wouldn't your sight be tinged red if you lived in a home of filth because of your mothers hoarding addiction. Wouldn't your hands shake in rage if your father preferred his bottle of jack instead of his own daughter?


You guys think you know it all, don't you? I don't want your help or anyone else's. I don't need it. You know what my mother said to me when I failed of ending my life? She said maybe you should've used the gun in her sock drawer!

Such good parenting, huh?

All I wanted was for them to care. You know what, I love being angry. It gives me something to focus on, to feel something besides sorry for myself. All the kids in school call me Violent Violet, which I fail to understand because I only broke that dude's nose because he couldn't take a hint.

God, I hated living there! It makes my skin crawl thinking of that dump or that living waste of space I call parents. Yeah, I may be bitter but it's better than being a low life piece of garbage.

But I'm clinically unstable right? What are you going to prescribe me now, Doctor? Make it something good. Enlighten me.

Oh, wait. I'm suppose to be trying to be nice. How was your day?"


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