Hear Me

18 3 1

Have you ever felt mute?

Like no matter what you say, or how loud you say it, it's unheard?

Am I not making sense, or are you just deaf?

Why can't I be right for once?

Why can't you see my side?

I understand what you're saying, but you refuse to understand me. 

Why can't you look me in the face and unclog your ears?

Your claimed "righteousness" is anything but right.

Your ignorance stands between your mind and mouth like a shadow demon. 

You stare at the world with cold and empty eyes.

You stare at me like that too.

But I'm here, I'm alive, and I'm listening.

Your abrasive attitude is uncalled for and your hard head refuses to soften.

I hear each word that rolls off your tongue and pushes past your chapped lips. 

They echo in my mind and are engulfed in the hurricane of my thoughts.

Look at me!

Look at me, damn it!

I know you hear me.

If I have to scream till my throat is raw and words can longer be formed, I will.

I will.

I will.

I will. 

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