Chapter 4 - Closer

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I woke up and surprisingly I was in my bed, I felt something beside me. Whatever that was, it was heavy. I wanted to grab my sweater on the end of my bed until I realized that I was handcuffed to the bed.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I shouted, waking up the 'person' beside me. The weight got off the bed and was now grabbing my sweater and giving it to me. "HARRY STYLES. WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY APPARTEMENT?" He rolled his eyes at my shouting and smirked at me.

"You escaped, I had to find you love." How did he find me? The only thing he knew about me was my name and that I was a fan, of course he doesn't know that he's my favourite. As if he read my mind, he continued "It was easy, you have a very cooperative best friend." What? Molly did what? She told HIM where I lived, how did he even know her?

"How do you even know her?" I asked in a harsh tone. He smirked at my question and then answered in a low voice.

"I made some research on you love and your friend and me already met, may I say that she's quite loud." I lifted an eyebrow not understanding what he said for a second, then blushing when I realized the meaning. They slept together? By slept, I mean having sex. How? Why?

"We met in a bar, you were there too. You were grinding on Louis, too drunk probably to remember." I blushed at his words, understanding how he found me and how he knew me.


"Hey babe!" I turned around and saw a boy behind me, blue eyes. Light hair put up in a quiff, grinning at me. He was hot, may I add. I looked over his shoulder to find Molly she was with a tall green eyed boy. She was probably going to get 'lucky' tonight, I thought.

"Hello! I'm Lily!"

"I'm Louis, nice to meet you." He took my hand and brought me on the dance floor. The rest is pretty blurry, I saw the guy that was with Molly telling Louis that he was going, smirked at me. Probably undressing me with his eyes, while Louis kept grinding against me. Moaning quite often.

Before you ask questions, we did not have sex together. I ended up throwing up in the washrooms. Pretty humiliating, may I add.


"Can you de-handcuff me please?" I asked Harry.

"Depends, what I get on return?" He asked with a smirk.

"The satisfaction of helping someone out, what else?" Unhappy with my answer, he went out of the room and called someone who I think was Louis.

"She's here and quite feisty, she remembers your little grinding session at the bar two months ago."

I couldn't hear Louis' answers since he didn't talk loud enough for me to hear.

"I'll bring her to your apartment, Eleanor going to be cool with that?" Eleanor? Louis' girlfriend, that was going to be awkward for me.. Especially since what happened between Louis and I.

"Ok, I'll be there soon. I'll take the stuff she needs and then when she will calm down, maybe a few weeks, we will talk to management and then she'll move with me. Love you boobear! " Living with him? No way. No way in hell that this was going to happen. Harry entered the room, took my clothes put in a bag, released me and ask me to take a shower and dress up.

"Oh, I still want something for de-handcuffing you love" My eyes grew wide has his hands was cupping my cheek. "Don't worry I won't hurt you, just have a little fun." My breath hitched as his words came out. His lips incredibly close to mine, he murmured "Not yet, love. Be downstairs in 40 minutes." Kissed my cheek and walked away.

As I got in the shower, I realized the butterflies that were in my stomach. I didn't want him to kiss me or did I?


It's getting HOT. I think that I'll have maybe to change the ratings on the story, if anybody is interested in writing *cough* smut scenes *cough* for this story please PM me :) thanks for reading.


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