Chapter 14 - Trouble.

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Read the a/n a the end, it's postive and happy. ily. 

 She stopped when she saw that we were almost home, she breathed out and looked out the window. I saw what she was seeing, police cars were everywhere, the boys were already there. Same for management. As we got out of the car, I was taken in charge by policeman. 

''Harry Edward Styles you are under arrest for kidnapping. You have the right to remain silent, everything you say can be used against you in court.'' 


*Lilly's POV* 

 I looked at Harry getting in the car with the police while a woman went towards me, I saw the boys talking to their mangement, Niall was sitting down his head in his hands. Louis was crying with Liam, Zayn looked like the world had just crumbled around him. The worst in that is I felt like it was all of my fault if Harry was arrested. 

The woman was in front of me, a frown on her face but looking like she had pity towards me.

''Lily, I am Mrs. Stone. I will be invistigating on the kidnapping that occured at your expense. I know that you must be traumatized but I hope that you can work with us. '' 

''What kidnapping?'' I asked, confused about what was happening. 

''Harry Styles kidnapped you two weeks ago, you escaped but he found you again. You were held hostage at Louis Tomlinson and Eleanor's Calder house. You shared a bedroom with Mr.Styles. Is that correct?'' She asked, my heart was pounding. How did she know? 

''Kidnapping is a bit of a harsh word. '' I say calmly. 

She ignored my comment, going on. ''Are you going to press charges against Mr.Styles?'' 

''What? No.'' I said sharply. 

''Noted. Harry will be released, due to the situation. Harry will have a choice to make, get away from you and swear to never be in contact with you again or settle down with you. We'll keep you informed. '' She said as she walked away. 

The chance was that I would never see Harry again, tears started streaming down my face. I entered the house and layed down on Harry's bed inhaling his smell. I opened his computer, reading the last diary entry that he wrote.

Dear diary, 

today I'm going to ask Lily to go out at a club. I think that it would be fun to spend some time with her, I just hope I will not get drunk again. I could do things that I would regret. Flashbacks of the day I kidnapped her keep playing in my mind, I still don't understand why she still talks to me. I'm a criminal, I could get arrested. I'm such a loser, why did I did this? She'll never love me like I love her. 

I just have to remind myself that I'm not the only one that wants her, Lily could get into deep trouble if I get arrested. Let's hope I never have to face the consequences of what I did a couple of years ago. That guy could easily take her away from me, I need her. I don't think that I could live without her, as crazy as it sounds. I just wished she knew how much I like her, but she'll probably find someone better. She's too nice for me, she's better than me. She need someone that can love her without having to kidnap her. Too good for me. 

Louis is calling me from downstairs, probably helping me to calm down a bit. I don't know what will happen in the future, but I know one thing. I love her. 

-Harry x

I cry seeing the words written on the page, he seemed to mean it so much. I close the window and see his background image, me and him. We looked happy, even though we were a bit drunk that night. It was beautiful. I already missed him so much. 

I got out of my dress and got under the covers in Harry's bed, waiting for sleep to take me...

*next morning* 

''Lily wake up!'' I open my eyes to see Louis, his eyes bloodshot probably from the lack of sleeping.

''What's up?'' I ask calmly, trying not to worry.

''He's taken a decision.'' He says calmly. 

''What is the virdict? I stay or go?'' I ask, tears filling up my glass.

''You, you..'' before he could answer a mysterious man enters the room, a devilious smirk on his face.



A/N: This story is number 104 on the Teen Fiction charts & #210 on the Fanfiction charts. Thank YOU so much. You guys are unbelievable.

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Don't Leave Me HereOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora