(26) Cold Showers

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"Hey Tori?" Rayner poked his head into my room. I was currently doing my homework on the floor with Janice on speaker phone.

"Hold on just a minute." I took her off speaker just in case it was something she shouldn't be hearing. Rayner gave me an apologetic look before continuing.

"Sorry, just wanted to know if you were doing anything later." I shrugged. I had made some potential plans, but nothing set in stone. I wasn't sure if I was up to hanging out, but I really wanted to get out and have some fun. I'd been having a lot of fun lately and I'd been making lots of friends.

"Not really, why what's up?" I really hoped he wasn't going to tell me some more news. I was just starting to be okay again.

"I just wanted to take you out..." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Hey Janice I'll call you back..." I stared at him blankly. His mood swings were really exhausting, but spending the night with him was more appealing that any other things I had planned. His brown eyes glimmered hopefully under the florescence of my room.

"What did you have in mind?" He shrugged playing with the door frame shifting nervously. "What's wrong? Is there something you need to tell me?" He shrugged again and walked out of the room quickly. I shuffled through the papers on my floor and stumbled out of my room. "Rayner?!" I called chasing after him not expecting him to be but a few feet in front of my door. I smacked straight into him, but he didn't even chuckle. "Hey..." I turned him around.

"What if I were to ask you out, like as more than your body guard?" My heart fluttered in my chest and I felt weightless. My mouth opened and closed unattractively. He turned away from me quickly. "I'm sorry, I knew it was stupid." I grabbed him by the arm and smiled at his flustered face.

"Yes." Every crease in his face seemed to smooth instantly. His mouth turned upward slightly.

"Yes?" I nodded. His mouth turned into a full smile and he nodded toward my bedroom. "Go get dressed, not too dressy." He winked and walked into the direction of his room. I bit my lip instantaneously, Rayner asked me out! I danced around trying things on until I'd chosen the perfect outfit. Simple, but flattering, I looked pretty cute in my opinion. [External Link]

Suddenly I was super nervous and I don't know why. My stomach was in knots and at that moment I realized how much I really did like Rayner, and that made me afraid. I wasn't sure how to act around him because he was so bi polar. One minute he seemed like he wanted to like me, and the next he didn't. I hoped tonight he did...

"You look really pretty." Rayner complimented not seeming the least bit shy or nervous, which made me feel even more insecure. He was so calm and collected while I was falling apart at the seams.

"Thanks." I blushed and attempted not to look completely unattractive by my awkward stance. He smiled and nodded toward the door. I took this time to check him out. He wore a plaid button up that hugged his biceps and a slim fit pair of dark wash jeans that hugged him in all the right places. I was drooling over here, he couldn't have been any more perfect with his disheveled  hair and cologne. I wasn't sure how I was suppose to sit in the car with him and not stare. "Where exactly are we going?" I asked because we had been in the car nearly thirty minutes.

"Just hold your horses missy we are almost there." Just as we were approaching a large gate I knew exactly where he was taking me.

"The zoo?" I lauged and he looked almost offended by my tone.

"Is something wrong with the zoo?" He frowned turning into the parking lot. I giggled shaking my head which only had him looking even more upset.

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