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I hear a woman's soft cry. The smell of roses, freshly mowed grass, and the aftermath of heavy storm consume my airway. I see people to either side of me, dressed in head to toe black and I look down at my own wardrobe. A smooth, silky, sleek black dress adorns my body. I do not, however, know where I am, why I am here or who all these people are. I see a tall, handsome man standing across from me, give me a cold hard glare with a trace of sadness and regret. I cock my head to the right to study him closely. I notice how the glittering rain is scattered throughout his brown hair, his jaw line could cut glass if given the opportunity, and his blue eyes the size of the sun. For some reason I feel like I know him, something about him is so familiar and looking at him I feel a sense of belonging, I feel safe. I feel as if I have seen him before, but I cannot place a name to his face. One does not forget a face like his, all chiseled and clean-cut with piercing blue eyes, but apparently I have. I snap out of my daze and look back to him, but he is gone. I try to look through the people to see if he stepped behind someone. The crowd slowly starts to disperse and I push my way through the grief stricken people to the spot where he was standing. I look all around but nothing, he is gone. All that is left is an achy, empty feeling where my heart is supposed to be.

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