(APH) Cookie time with a Spainard

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I'm sorry for the shortness. I wasn't kidding.


You were wandering around the mall trying to find Christmas presents for your family when a group of children ran past you; knocking into your side and shoving you into the fountain you were walking by. As you fell you squeezed your eyes shut waiting to splash into the water. Suddenly you felt a hand grasp your elbow and pull you into a sturdy chest. Opening your eyes, you stared into a pair of smiling emerald ones. The man put his other arm around your back to help steady you before slowly letting you go.

Giving you a devastatingly bright smile, the man started to question you. "Hola Chica, are you alright? I saw what those mocosos molestos did to you, and I was lucky enough to catch you before you fell into the water."

His gaze burned into yours as you let out a small laugh. "Thanks to you, I'm better than okay. Thank you for saving me a wet trip home."

"It's no problema, Bonita. My name's Antonio, or Toni. I was just going to grab a cookie, would you care to join me?" Holding out his hand, he waited for you to accept his offer. (A/N: ACCEPT IT YOU FOOL! WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT NOT TOO?!! NOTHING!! MHAHAHAHAHA!!! >:D)

Placing your hand in his, you gave him a smile in return. "I'm (y/n), and I would love a cookie right now." With both of you smiling Antonio walked you over to a small looking pastry shop.


Gomen for it being, so short. I just wanted to write, so here.

It's  total of 264 words, and I feel terrible about the shortness.

I got the idea off a movie, can you guess it?

Yeah, sorry for the shortness again.


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