Chapter 11

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It was again that night where I had the same nightmare again.

I almost thought that I was getting some sleep when Levi ended the call. Yeah, she calls me every night now but somehow her Talkings helps into sleeping. I'll like to think because she's a bore though I know that's not the truth.

I reached Hemilton. It has been a month since I haven't came here but it was still the same. Peaceful as always.

I notice Leo was there too and I immediately knew it was one of that night again where his father and sister were fighting.

He wasn't crying but I knew by just glancing at his face that he was sad. Slowly, I walked towards him.

"Hey." I sat beside him.

He immediately looked up and when he realised it was me, he wrapped his arms around my waist, his grip was tight.

I ran my hand through his soft hair hugging him back.

"Are they fighting again?" I ask softly after sometime.

"Daddy is not here." He says. I furrow my brows in confusion.

He looks up at me and then rests his head back on my chest.

"She is not here too." He finally says after noticing my confused expression.

"Where did they go?"

"To some dad's business party." He replies.

"Why are you here then?"

"Because I can't sleep without my sister singing to me."

He moves more closer to me, getting comfortable and wrapping the warmness of my body heat for himself.

"Where's Clarissa?" I ask, still running my hands through his hair.


I nod my head and bit my lip.

I glanced at his innocent face.

Leo was like some angel but with broken wings. Just by looking at his face I knew he want to help his sister.

We know nobody could fly with broken wings.

He was confused. He didn't know from where to start. What to start. He didn't know whether he should just let it go and move on like nothing happens behind those big walls or whether he should fight.

He was just a kid.

"Let me sing to you." I say.

He looks up at me with his big eyes and then nods his head and rests his head back again on my chest.

I clear my throat before I start.

"Hush, little baby, don't say a word.
I'm gonna buy you a mockingbird "

Yes, I changed the lyric of the lullaby but it was also not the time to mention about his father, I continue,

"And if that mockingbird won't sing,
I'm gonna buy you a diamond ring

And if that diamond ring turns brass,
I'm gonna buy you a looking glass

And if that looking glass gets broke,
I'm gonna buy you a Billy goat

And if that Billy goat won't pull,
I'm gonna buy you a cart and bull

And if that cart and bull turn over,
I'm gonna buy you a dog named Rover

And if that dog named Rover won't bark
I'm gonna buy you a horse and cart

And if that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little boy in town."

I smiled to myself at my melodic voice. Who knew I was such a softie? Even I didn't.

I glanced at Leo. He was asleep, his arms still hugging me.

I got the sudden urge to protect him from everything that's been going on.

His face reminded me of my dead brother.

How would've it been if he was still by my side? Would he call me Chase or would he make some crappy cheesy nickname for me which I would hate but get angry if he didn't call me that? Would he play hide and seek with me and wait up for me to style his hair in spike? Would he tell me about his crushes? Would he whine if I forget to tell him the bed time stories? Or would he pull my hair and pick my nose and draw on my face with pens when I'm asleep?

Would've he done all those things if he had exist?

I closed my eyes, trying to hold the tears back became difficult as I starred at Leo's angelic face while I thought of my brother.

I missed my brother. I missed him so damn much.

"Chase." I heard a whisper.

I glanced up to meet Clarissa but her eyes were on Leo then she looked up at me and smiled kindly, just like any mother would do.

She walks up to us and pick Leo in her arms from me without waking him up but she didn't walk away but stood there and starred at me.

"Wouldn't life be so much better if there were more people like you?" She says and turns around with Leo in her arms and walks to the exit before she disappears.

The words she said repeated in my head but I still couldn't get out the angelic face of Leo from my mind.

I wanted a brother. Someone, anyone that I could take care of.

When I sang to him, I had the urge to continue it and never stop because I felt relief in it.

I wanted to sing to my brother. I wanted to play the strings of the guitar to him even though I didn't know how to. I wanted to make him proud, see him cry while he falls down from the cycle for the first time. I wanted to teach him how to ride a bike. I wanted to tease him about the girls and when he entered his teenage years I wanted to give him his dream car even though I know I couldn't afford it.

I wanted to be a big bro who's not a filthy mess.

And for the first time in all these years, a tear falls from my eyes and soon enough without even holding back I begin to cry because I was done holding back my emotions.

I wanted it all to be out so I did.

I cried.


Hello everyone. I know this is a small chapter with no Levi but this is emotional so let me pass? And also thank you everyone who are supporting me with this story.

I'm so happy that people are liking it so far and also that my book is on hotlist at #72 in teen fiction. YAY !!!!

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Thank you once again.


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