Chapter Six

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I pulled up in driveway at the house hopped out the car & went up to the door hoping & praying Corey crazy country ass is sleep. I unlocked the door & stepped in trying to be as quiet as I can because Corey was on the couch knocked out I was almost passed him that's when he piped up & scared me.

“Nahhh trick you ain't slick bring that ass back round this way” he said with his eyes still closed

“Hey cousin how you doing?”

He looked at me “My ass where you been?” he asked

I fidgeted “I was out”

“With who” he said sitting up

“A friend” I said back

“What friend?” he asked taking his shoe off ready to throw it at me

“A guy that I met” I answered ducking down where he can't hit me

“Who is this guy have I met him yet better have your family met him yet cause you know how them bastards is” he said putting his shoe back on getting up & going into the kitchen

I followed him “Nope not at all it was just a run in we almost got into a car accident & we talked for a while then I promised him a lunch date” I explained

He looked at me fixing his tea “Im not going to even ask, but what's this guys name?”

“Anthony Williams” I answered taking my cup of tea from him

He paused & looked at me “Williams as in W-I-L-L-I-A-M-S”

“Yes Williams why” I asked laughing a little

“That family is rich ASF they have businesses everywhere around america” he told me while sitting at the table with me

I wasn't paying attention I was looking at my phone that's until I just felt Corey staring at me

“What do you want boy?” I asked looking up at him

He looked at me with this little smile on his face “You ain't slick I see you”

“What are you talking about?” I asked looking at him confused

“You like that boy don't you” he said

“Nope I do not I don't even know him like that to like him he's cute though” I said mumbling that last part but knowing Corey & his super hearing he heard me

“Oh really so is this Anthony guy feeling you as well” he asked amused

I thought about our lunch date “I don't know it was just a lunch date nothing special but he does call me beautiful all the time” I said blushing

“look at yah blushing & shit you really like that guy don't you” he said chuckling a little

I looked down & mumbled “maybe a little ok but I'm not gonna rush into things I just left a domestic violence relationship so we're going to start off as friends” I told Corey while he sat there drinking some tea texting on his phone

He looked up “Well I'm telling you I date a girl that's kin to them &  they really are a nice friendly family” he said then went back to texting

I smiled at him “Ima just start off slow & see where we can go from here, I'm going upstairs & go to sleep cause I'm tired”

“Alright child I'm going to the grocery store to get groceries want anything” he said while getting up & grabbing his phone wallet & keys

“Just get me some snacks” I told him going up the stairs

When I got in my room I layed down heard the door close & took my ass to sleep.

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