Chapter 13-moving, mobs, and mistakes

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Nicoles P.O.V

"I dont wanna!" I whine as we stand at the door of the hotel.

"Nicole you have to leave sometime!" Squid said.

The reason I dont wanna step out of the hotel is because a huge mob of reporters and people with cameras are going to attack me.

"Here." He said taking off his hoodie and putting it over me. He pulled the hood over my head. "Look down and hide your face. We'll go through the back."

I looked up at him and stopped. "Your face is known too. Theyll see you!" I said.

He looked around and then found a black phedora on a coat rack. "They wont be needing this." He said. I didnt really care anyway because if they wanted it they wouldve come back for it.

He pulled it over his eyes and put his head down.

We walked to the back of the building where there is another exit. He opened the door for us and we walked out.

Out of the corner of my eye I could still see all the people. It scared me. I tried to keep walking but...... but its so hard.

I kept walking but when we were about to reach squids car, which is on the side of the building, I see a man with a camera slung around his neck blocking our way.

Hes on the phone and his back to us. Im holding onto squids hand but I stop. He tries walking forward but he turns to see me frozen.

I feel like im paralyzed and I cant move.

"Come on Nicole its ok. We'll just walk right past him then its over." He said. But I just couldnt. I couldnt move at all, not if I even wanted to.

"NO! No I cannot find them! I know im on thin ice its just that everyone here is..." he turned around and saw my face. I tried to look down but it was too late.

He dropped his phone and raced over to us. He was right in my face and all I did was stare like a deer in headlights.

Then it starts. The flashes. I feel like I am standing in headlights. He starts shooting questions but it feels like in underwater. Like in a movie where you hear everything as some sort of whisper except the spund of the camera. Compared to all the drowned out sound the flashes of the camera are like the sound of a gun shooting.




With every flash I see my mum laying on the ground. Blood everywhere.

Tears stream down my face and I want to just collapse.

"Hey man whats your deal!" Squid says trying to get the guy to go away. He just wont stop.

The huge mob notices the commotion and moves location. Im surrounded and nothing to help me.

Squid is trying to get me out but its too hard. He starts pushing some people and getting a little more rough.

As if I was deaf and put in hearing aids, reality struck me. Squid got out of hand and punched a guy. People were crowding around trying to hold him back.

"Stop! Please!" I yell and scream. I try to get to squid but he is on an absolute rampage. He keeps trying to get him.

I finally get to squid and hold onto his arm. He notices me and stops. He looks into my eyes and it slightly scares me of how haunted they look.

Everything slowly fades back to normal and we run to his car. When I sit down I put my knees to my chest and pull my hood over my face.

Squid tries to drive away as fast but as carefully as possible. When we leave the parking lot I peek my head up a bit. I look over to squid and he is blankly staring at the road.

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