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Hey guys! Its me again! Man, its just been waaay too long. With school and summer and i got a new phone. Basically I started this write a very very long time ago and for me to try and continue (which is something i really wanna do) would just not be right. Its actually hard for me to really remember everything that i've put into this write and everywhere i was going with it.

I really had a grand plan for this one and i was super excited for it and it pains me to end this one.


Ok so since i had already planned out how this write would continue i cant just give up there. I WILL be continuing this write in a different story. By that i mean that i will be using the same storyline (but many many changes) with different characters and under a different story title. I will also not be writing anymore fanfic as far as I'm concerned (don't worry i haven't left the fandom lol) but if you love love stories/ realistic fiction stick around and turn on notifications because the new story will be coming soon!

I really have loved my audience dearly even though my old writes were pretty bad and ill admit it. But don't worry, i surely have gotten better and i can prove it!

I would lastly like to just wish you all luck with your day to day lives and hope you all have a wonderful day! I would also like to apologize for cutting this write off especially if you enjoyed it. But like i said, just wait for my new read! Its kinda gonna be like Just A Dream 2.0 (probably different name though lol)


Wait and look for my next read......

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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