{Dante} The Devil Cries an Angel's Tears {Sparda} Chapter Eight

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.C.H.A.P.T.E.R. .E.I.G.H.T.

Dante looked around the room, which had obviously been a strip club, what was concerning him though, was the odd familiarity that hung around the place. He was almost certain he had been her before, not that he cared to voice that with Sofia trailing slowly behind him. He sat down on one of the red sofas and looked at the pole in the middle of the stage. He had definitely been here before.

His head tilted to the side as he tried to remember her name, but failed miserably, finding he couldn't actually come up with the names of any girls he had slept with in the past few months. Sofia leaned over him suggestively, and he was immediately distracted from his thought and the image of her dancing for him came to his mind. He sat up a little; a smirk on his lips from his most recent vision, being a demon had some benefits and he hoped to god one of them was foresight, the ability to predict the future.

He was only vaguely aware of her smile turning sour before an incredible pain was felt between his legs. His whole body hunched forward as he started to massage his wounded area. He glanced up at Sofia through his silver hair, which was covering his fierce blue eyes.

"What he fuck was that for babe? Are you trying to tell me that kiss wasn't the best you've had?"

Sofia rolled her eyes at Dante's cockiness and pushed herself away from him. He went to get up to go after her, but found, for the moment, he would stay sitting. Sofia searched around the place, finding nothing much that she could use. She returned to the bar and picked up a bottle of vodka as well as something cold for Dante's injured part.

She sat on the catwalk across from Dante who was still leaning over, glaring at her at every chance he got. She sighed and passed him the cold bottle while she opened hers and started to drink.

"What the fuck was that for?"

"Dante, my son is somewhere in that tower I do not want to be distracted by some-"

"-By some what?"

"I am finding my son Dante and you are not going to get in my way. Are you able to walk now?"

"Of-course I am babe, I'm waiting on you."

Sofia glanced at Dante who although was still angry was smirking like she had not even hurt his pride, which she knew she had. Even though Dante had been right, it was the best kiss she had in a while, she was not going to let herself waste time kissing him if it meant her son was in danger. She just couldn't allow herself to loose him as well as her father.

She stood up and walked out of the door, leaving Dante to follow behind. He would catch up with her when he was ready, or rather, when he was able. She looked around, noticing the door to the tower. She made her way towards it, but noticed more demons coming from a different area, an area off to the side. Her interest grabbed, her curiosity peaked, she went off in that direction, barely missing Dante who ran straight ahead, a couple of seconds later, hoping to catch up with her before she did anything stupid like offered herself over as a trade.

He walked through the double doors, finding Sofia nowhere but a gigantic three-headed dog standing in his way. Dante looked around impatiently before shutting the stupid mutt up by firing a bullet through one of its eyes.

"You mere human dares to mock me?"

"Look, mutt, have you seen a girl kick your ass or anything like that?"

"No one has beaten me human."

"So that's a no. Great. Come on pup, let's go for a walk."

The dog growled furiously at Dante who paid no heed, he was still terribly concerned for Sofia who was now missing. The dog, after growling a little more, charged at Dante, head on in an attack, Dante pulled out rebellion, taking out some of his misplaced anger on this poor creature. Animal cruelty huh? He smirked to himself as he finally slay the beast and walked past it's decaying remains.

Sofia was having a more engaging task than Dante had, she was having to empty clip after clip of bullets at the demon who rapidly appeared from what seemed a crack in the walls. Seeing a gap of nothing she took her chance and dashed through the gap, into a room, which looked like it would create rather tiring work.

As she glanced up at the masses of stairs, she immediately changed her mind and turned to walk through the only other door to the place. She was about to walk through when the doors opened up for her and in front of her stood her beautiful devil boy, who seemed more relived than angry to see her. As soon as his relief dissipated he grabbed her shoulders and forced her to stay still, listening to his rant.

"Don't you ever fucking do that again, do you even know what could have happened if Vergil had got to you, or a demon that you hadn't been able to fight. What use would you be to Drake then huh? You'd be fucking dead and he would have no one, I would have no one."

"Dante, Hun, I'm fine. I am not dying until I've got my son back and I am not going to leave you alone, so just chill some."

Dante looked at Sofia for a second as the reality of what they had just said sunk in. His eyes went wide for a moment before dropping her shoulders and looking away from her, mumbling something along the lines of; sorry, as he scratched the back of his head. Sofia raised an eyebrow but quickly disregarded his change in moods. He seemed to be doing that a lot at the moment and so she put it down to being in here, the place that his father had sent to hell.

She tugged on the sleeve of Dante's jacket as he went to walk off without her. He glanced at her hand and then followed it up her slender arm until he came to her face. She smiled sweetly at him and he immediately felt himself surrender to whatever it was she wanted from him.

"That's a lot of stairs Dante, and I was just wondering if you would maybe, carry me."


Dante seemed more shocked than Sofia at what he had said, but it was too late to change his mind. Sofia had already removed ebony and ivory and was now attaching them to herself as she kept on flicking his sword. Dante took the hint and removed it, allowing her to climb onto his back. She secured her arms around his neck and rested the side of her head against his. He lifted his sword with one hand and kept the other oh Sofia's ass, holding her in place and just because that's where he wanted it. She mumbled something into his ear as he began climbing the steps, and, unsure of what it was he asked her to repeat it.

"I said you are a god-damned pervert."

"Did you really think I was heaven-blessed like you?"

{Dante} The Devil Cries an Angel's Tears {Sparda}Where stories live. Discover now