Chapter one

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     I woke up to my alarm on Tuesday. It was 6:30, time to get ready for school. I searched through my closet for my yellow dress. At Ouran Academy we had stupid uniforms. I hated the yellow dresses that girls had to wear. I quickly put the dress on and fixed my (H/C) hair my favorite way. Then I went downstairs to have breakfast with my family. I walked into the dining room to be greeted by a long table full of delicious breakfast foods. I sat next to my younger brother Tsun, across from our parents.
    "Good morning (Y/N)." My mother greeted me with a warm smile.
    "Good morning mother." I answered her while putting eggs, potatoes, and bacon on my plate. My father was reading the newspaper, while my mother had a fashion magazine next to her plate. She pulled it out and showed me a certain page.
    "Look (Y/N), Mrs. Hitachiin just released her new line of clothing yesterday. Specifically for young fresh girls. I'm buying you some new fall clothes this week, a whole new line, so I want you to clean out your closet." She pointed to a page that was titled 'young and fresh.' It featured models wearing sweaters and leggings. I took a bite of my potatoes.
    "But mother, you got me new clothes when school started, two months ago." I tried reasoning with her.
   "No buts. I'll have the maids take care of your old clothes and the new ones," she paused as Tsun let out a little giggle, he was ten and was a devil," and you mister, you'll be getting new clothes too. You've been ruining them each day when you play outside." She scolded him. I smiled in amusement.
    "Tsun, you know my associate Mr. Kawazaki. His son is in your class, Hiro Kawazaki. I've arranged a play date for Saturday. It will be here." My father put his newspaper down and took a sip of his coffee.
    "So, I know him. Doesn't mean I like him." Tsun grumbled. I finished my plate listening to their conversation.
    "Now don't be like that. I'm sure he's a splendid boy. You should try to open up more." My mother clasped her hands together. Tsun had trouble making friends some time, but he had his mischievous little clique. I wasn't really in a clique, but I did have my best friend Suzumi.
    "Fine whatever." Tsun said and stood up to go to his room. My father stood up and took a look at his watch.
    "7:30. I'll have to go honey." He said and kissed my mother before grabbing his suitcase.
    "Goodbye (Y/N). Goodbye Tsun!" He spoke to me but yelled the last part.
    "Goodbye father." I said and got up from my seat.
    "Goodbye." I heard Tsun yell from his room. I walked past my mom and decided to go upstairs to the second floor to Tsun's room. I walked in to observe his room. It was very neat and clean. Not something that you expected from a ten year old boy who was a mess.
    "Yes?" He says to me as he goes through his school bag. I just remembered that I should go and get my bag.
    "Hold on." I walk back out and my my way up to the third floor where my bedroom was. I walked in and grabbed my bag and phone. Then I walked back to Tsun's room.
    "It's 7:45. Are you ready? I'm sure the limo is waiting." I leaned on the doorway. Tsun grabbed his bag and walked up to me.
    "Yeah, let's go." We walked down the stairs together and saw our mother.
    "Oh you're leaving. Have a wonderful day at school my children." She kissed our foreheads and wished us goodbye. I walked out getting into the limo first. As soon as Tsun got in the driver drove off. Ouran Academy was first, so Tsun would would be alone for a few more minutes after I left. The driver pulled up in front of my very large school and let me out. I said goodbye to Tsun and walked up the outside stairs as the limo drove away. I looked at my phone, it was 8:00. School started in 30 minutes.
    "(Y/N)!" I was rushed into a hug by Suzumi. Her bright blue eyes shine in the light, complimenting her long blonde hair. I hugged her back.
    "Hey Suzumi." I said as we walked to my locker. Once we reached it I unlocked it to put my bag in and then closed it.
    "So do you just want to walk around." I asked putting my hands behind my back. Suzumi had her thinking face on, then she tapped the side of her head.
    "Oh I know! Let's go to the Host Club! Just go with me this one time." She grabbed my wrist. Suzumi was a regular at the Host Club, but I didn't really have much of an interest in it.
    "Fine, since I have nothing better to do." I reluctantly walked beside her. We were half way up the stairs when I heard footsteps running up behind us.
I turned around to see the Hitachiin twins running up next to us.
    "Hi (Y/N), bye (Y/N)!" They said said in unison and kept running up the stairs. Suzumi started to blush.
    "They said hi to you! Aren't they just the cutest?!?" She had a fangirl moment. I shrugged my shoulders.
    "Just a little." I smiled and kept walking. When we finally got there, Suzumi had pulled me up to the doors. We were at Music Room 3. It was unused, perfect for a club. She opened the doors and the sounds of talking and laughing were surrounding me. In the front of the room was a group of boys. I didn't know some of them, but who I did see surprised me. I saw Haruhi and the twins. I looked beside me to see Suzumi blushing and cooing over them. Then a tall blonde boy was standing over me holding my chin.
    "Why Suzumi, who is your friend? Why have I never met her before?" He said to me with a gentle voice, Suzumi was squealing but I didn't buy it.
    "My name is (Y/N)." I said sternly putting his hand down. He smiled at me.
    "It's a pleasure to meet you (Y/N). Please meet the rest of  the Host Club." He gestured to them.
    "This is Haruhi, Kyoya, Hikaru and Kaoru, Honey, Mori, and I'm Tamaki." He introduced them. But the only people I paid attention to were Hikaru and Kaoru.
    "Don't worry boss, we already know (Y/N)." Hikaru walked up to me.
    "Yeah, isn't she so cute?" Kaoru joined him. Now I began to slightly blush.
    "Tamaki. Can I sit with you?" Suzumi was gawking over the tall blonde.
    "Why of course princess. Anything for you." He serenaded her and they walked away, along with the rest of the club attending to the other girls, but Hikaru and Kaoru were still with me.
    "I didn't know you were in the host club." I said to them. They leaned on eachother.
    "Eh, it's fun," they replied," you should come and sit with us." They leaned forward holding their hands out.
    "Okay." I agreed but walked past them without accepting their hands. They sat down across from me on a couch. I was on a couch too, just a table with flowers on it separated us. Then I looked over as Kyoya walked over.
    "Hello (Y/N), so how do you know Hikaru and Kaoru?" He asked me. He was tall also, and his glasses suited him.
    "Our mothers work together." I replied. Kyoya furrowed his brow with thinking.
    "So your mother is Rose (L/N)? Your family is quite impressive." He finally cleared his mind and answered. I smiled warmly.
    "Thank you. But how did you know who my mother was?" I asked trying to clear up the confusion.
    "I keep tabs on everything. Of course I would know who Mrs. Hitachiin worked with." He smiled and walked away. I turned back to face the twins.
    "He's a know it all." Kaoru muttered. Hikaru agreed and looked up as their names were called.
    "Hikaru! Kaoru! May we sit with you?" I turned to see two girls squeal with high pitched voices. Hikaru stood up and hung onto his brother.
    "Why ofcourse. Please sit next to (Y/N)." He smiled and the girls were giggling as they sat down. I waited to see how Hikaru and Kaoru entertained these girls.
    Hikaru was backing up and started to fall backwards, but Kaoru had caught him in a dramatic scene.
    "Hikaru! You need to be more careful!" He grabbed Hikaru and embraced him. Hikaru had the puppy dog face and was looking at his brother.
    "I'm sorry Kaoru. Can you ever forgive me?" Hikaru said sadly.
    "Of course Hikaru, how could I stay mad at you?" Kaoru said forgivingly, their faces were close to eachother. Then when they broke apart the girls beside me went crazy with squealing and cooing over them. Then the bell rang.
    "Sorry girls, but it's time to go." Kaoru said to them.
    "Yeah, but you could still come visit us during study hall." Hikaru joined in. The two girls stood up and walked away blushing. I also stood up and started to walk away.
    "Wait (Y/N)! Let us walk to first hour with you!"

My Decision( Hikaru X Reader X Kaoru)Where stories live. Discover now