Chapter three

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    I looked at Kaoru after he spoke, his statement was obvious. But I guess I didn't understand his point completely.
    "Well of course, if you did love them. Surely you would be dating them." I added. Hikaru looked down on the floor.
    "Right." He muttered.
    "Anyways, we're just glad that we've become closer friends." Kaoru piped in trying to enlighten the mood. Hikaru didn't say anything.
    "Me too." I agreed with him. I turned to face Kaoru as he seemed interested in talking.
    "Oh hey! I heard that you're coming over after school for that science thing." He said happily. I remembered that Hikaru and I were researching the Canada Lynx together.
    "Yeah, I almost forgot." I smiled, mentally thanking him for reminding me.
    "You almost forgot?" I turned to see Hikaru staring at me. He looked hurt.
    "Calm down Hikaru. You've forgotten things a lot." Kaoru scolded him. I smiled but then got up as soon as the bell rang.
    "Will you eat lunch with us?" Hikaru grabbed my wrist. I whipped around to face him. He was taller than me, so I had to look up at him.
    "Sorry, but I eat my lunch with Suzumi." I pulled away and made my way downstairs to the big lunch room. After having our lunch served to us, Suzumi and I sat down at a small tea table in one corner of the room.
    "I just think Tamaku is the cutest." She said before taking a bite of her sushi.
    "He's kind of annoying. But you can like whoever you want." I smiled and took a sip of my tea. I looked outside the window to see the rose garden. It was so beautiful.
    "Then who do you like?" She looked at me with bright blue eyes. I thought for a moment trying to find the right answer. I felt like I might have feelings for Hikaru and Kaoru. But it was totally absurd to like both of them. Especially for my personality. I like to think of the future. It doesn't seem morally okay to marry two people just because they're twins and they sleep in the same bed.
    "I guess I might like the Hitachiin twins." I answered. Why did I say that? It just came out. Suzumi giggled and made a kissing face.
    "Wow, such a go getter (Y/N). How daring." She joked and finished eating. Lunch went by slower than usual, especially since there were no twins to bother me.
    I was half way through my last class of the day, French, when I got a text from an unknown number. We were just practicing translations so it was individual work time. I checked my phone to read the text.
'Hey it's Kaoru. Meet me in the rose garden after school and we can walk to my house together. ;)' as I read it I wondered how he got my number. Oh well, just another number to put in my phone. I put my phone away and began writing more sentences in French. Before I knew it the dismissal bell rang. Everyone got up and rushed out, while I took my time getting to my locker and putting my stuff away. I grabbed my bag and started heading towards the doors to the Rose Garden. I walked outside and looked around for Kaoru, but he was no where to be seen. I stood there and closed my eyes taking in the feel of everything. Suddenly two arms were wrapped around me in embrace. I opened my eyes and looked around me to see Kaoru hugging me from behind.
    "Uh, hi Kaoru." I said awkwardly. I felt a blush creep up onto my cheeks but luckily no one could see.
    "Hi (Y/N)," he still didn't let go," I just want to say. Don't pay attention to Hikaru. I think he likes you. Just stay away from him please." He whispered the last part into my ear. I pushed my way out of his arms and faced him.
    "What? What are you talking about?" I questioned him sternly. There was no way Hikaru liked me. It didn't make sense.
    "I mean that I think Hikaru likes you. But the truth is, I like you. So you have to stay away from him." Kaoru admitted. I looked at him wildly. No way Kaoru liked me. That was crazy.
    "Wait, you like me?!?" I looked at the ground. Before I could act Kaoru had lifted my chin up with his hand and was looking into my eyes.
    "Yes, I do." He said before forcing his lips onto mine. It was a sweet warm kiss that felt like it lasted forever. But in all reality it was only 5 seconds. I pulled away looking at him. I didn't know what to say or do. Just that it was amazing. I took a step back and stared at the ground.
"Sorry if that was too sudden." Kaoru immediately apologized. I looked back at him forcing a smile.
"No, it's fine. Let's just go. We're wasting daylight." I starting walking. I was just trying to say something to get us to start walking, but maybe he took it the wrong way. Because I heard him mumble 'wasting daylight?' Under his breath before he joined me. Maybe I would have kissed him back and embraced him longer if there wasn't another twin involved, who might like me too, and who was waiting for me.
    When we walked through the doors of the Hitachiin mansion I saw Hikaru standing by the staircase. I've been in their house before, but that was a while ago when my mother was in a meeting with Mrs. Hitachiin.
    "You guys finally made it. I would've walked with you. But I didn't know that Kaoru was going to walk you." Hikaru said to me, glaring at his brother. In that moment I just wanted to go back home and go to bed. Could it really be possible that they both like me? I shook the thought from my mind and looked back at Hikaru.
    "Oh sorry." I apologized like it was my fault. That's what I get for being a people pleaser. 
    "It's fine, why don't we go to my room to do this research?" Hikaru made a motion to grab my hand but I turned back around to face Kaoru as he spoke.
    "I'll come with, I should probably work on my History stuff anyway." He grinned. I felt better if both boys were going to be there, but Hikaru spoke.
    "Actually Kaoru, Mother wants you in her studio to help with a new project." Hikaru smiled and started to walk with me up the stairs. I glanced back to see Kaoru sulking to another part of the house. We made it up two flights of stairs and walked into a surprisingly big room with a king sized bed, a huge tv, video games, two laptops on a desk, and a huge bookcase.
    "Wow, this is basically the size of my room, but mine is more elegant and classy. Mostly because all the video games and electronics are in the gaming room." I commented to Jikaru as I looked around.
    "Yeah, well I think it's so crowded because Kaoru and I share it. But here, sit down." Hikaru grabbed his laptop and sat on the bed, gesturing for me to sit next to him. I sat down and watched him search for the Canada Lynx, I think we were both mesmerized at the pictures of this foreign animal that we didn't know. It was a really fluffy cat like creature with pointed ears. After a while of looking at it and talking about it Hikaru set his laptop to the side and looked at me.
    "So (Y/N), what do you think of me?" Hikaru looked into my eyes. It sent shudders down my spine.
    "Umm, I'm not sure what you mean Hikaru." I stuttered. His intense gaze was upon me. He leaned forward reaching his hand up to touch my face. I flinched but eventually welcomed it.
    "Well, I mean this." He whispered and leaned closer to kiss me. His touch was different than Kaoru's, Hikaru's was more dominant and powerful. While Kaoru's was softer and sweeter. I broke away and looked at Hikaru confusingly.
    "Why did you do that?" I asked him, looking away as I did.
    "Because I like you, duh." Hikaru scoffed and placed his hand on my shoulder, gently forcing me to lay down. In this situation I wasn't sure what to do. So I let him do it all. He laced his fingers with mine and leaned over me. His hand was warm, and it felt like it belonged with mine.  He then placed his lips on mine again, and kissed me passionately. I liked it, but I couldn't do it right now. I let go of his hand and broke away placing my hands in his shoulders.
    "Not now Hikaru, I just can't." I said softly. He grinned and tried to kiss me again. But I pushed him a little.
    "Hikaru! Stop!" I looked away and pushed him more. But this time I wasn't the only only pushing him. Hikaru landed on the floor with a grunt.
    "Hikaru!" I looked up to see Kaoru yelling angrily at his brother.

My Decision( Hikaru X Reader X Kaoru)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora