chapter 7

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Taiga's POV
I ran didn't come back to school and Mia didn't look for me, but I know she'll get revenge for what I said

I had time for myself so I spend my time reading manga and watching anime, the anime I was watching was kokoro connect, it was really good, their souls were switching places randomly, and I was only at episode 3 when Jessie came and turned off the TV

"taiga..." she said sadly, "tell hotaro that I'm sorry" I said and she gave me a 'I'll-do-it-later' look and I gave her a 'just-do-it-now' look. We laughed "its funny that we can communicate through our faces!" Jessie said and I nod

Time skip to tomorrow

Mia's POV
"So, you mean that Taiga is the trouble maker?" Mr. Laparan said "yes, sir, I recommend you to punish her" I said "Well, she hasn't done anything bad. So how about giving her a test?" Mr. Laparan said

"You decide the test you are gonna give to her" principal said calmly and I nodded "you are excused" I left and tried to think of the test

To be Continued...

Hi guys! I updated and I'm not gonna say anything because I'm too tired to write

Sorry for the short chappy!

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