Chapter 10

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Taiga's POV
I was still at home and I was reading a book and it was called 'The Bet' and I really liked the story and I finished it in two days

I was really bored until I received a text message from Kotaro


K: taiga? how are you

T: I'm alright how about you guys?

K: we're alright I guess and we are practicing for a tournament

T: really?! Goodluck then! :)

K: what's with the smiley face?!

T: nothin!

K: k text you later!

T: later!

That was still boring so I decided to go to the park and I saw so many kids there

I bought a chocolate ice cream and I was really enjoying myself until I saw Hotaro "hey! Hotaro! what are you doing here!? don't you guys have class?!" I said "well, since teacher made me carry bickets outside just because I was late, I decided to cut class!" he said proud of himself

"Well, doesn't mean I'm a trouble maker doesn't mean that you can be one!" I shouted and the people around us looked at us weirdly

We went to a place where there are not much people

"Go back to school! I'll get in trouble if you do!" I said

"Hey! Hotaro! what are you doing with that girl?!" someone said

To be continued



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