Chapter 1

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This takes place in season 3 of arrow except it's kinda changed so Sara is alive, but Laurel is still the black canary, and Thea is still dating Roy and never went to Malcolm. Plus no league of assassins, and Oliver and Felicity are together cause they are just too adorable not to be together. Also in a alternate universe for aos where Ward isn't hydra, but Bobbi, Hunter, and Mack are there.

May, Simmons, Fitz, Bobbi, Hunter, Ward, Mack, Skye, and Tripp all stood and listened as Coulson spoke. He was briefing them on their next mission, and they were all going on it.

They were heading to Starling City. The police force there was trying to bring in a group of vigilantes presumably lead by a vigilante that went by 'The Arrow.' The police had been trying to apprehend them for a while now, but were not successful, so Coulson and his team were going to bring them in.

After the briefing, the plane soon landed and they looked out at 'The Star City.' It was run down, and had a lot of graffiti on building walls.

"What happened here?" Tripp asked as he slug his bag over his shoulder.

"Well they did have 2 terrorist attacks in 2 years," Coulson said slightly shrugging.

"Where do we start?" Hunter asked.

"Ward you have some friends around here don't you?" Coulson asked. Ward nodded. "Well you go talk to them, and take Skye with you. Hunter and Bobbi you will head to the streets here. They're called the glades. Go and see what you can find. May and Tripp, we will head to the police precinct." They all nodded and started to walk off when Mack spoke up.

"What do we do?" He asked speaking for him, Fitz, and Simmons.

"Stay here. We'll probably be sending some info for you to intercept." They nodded and Coulson said, "Meet back here in about 3 hours."
Skye and Ward walked towards the city in a somewhat awkward silence.

"So," Skye started. "Who are your friends?"

"I know a guy who I meet when I was a kid. He's been back in Starling for a while now, and should know some stuff."

"What do you mean 'back'?"

"Well he was stranded on an island for 5 years and everyone thought he was dead."

"Wait!" Skye said suddenly stopping and hitting Ward's arm excessively. "Is your friend Oliver Queen?!"

"Yeah." Ward said raising his eyebrows at Skye.

"OMG! I can't believe I'm gonna meet Oliver Queen!"

Ward just rolled his eyes while Skye got out her phone to look up things on both Oliver Queen and the Arrow. Little did she know, they were the same person.

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