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It was the second day of school already and it was also the day when I had E.T. I didn't mind singing, in fact, I was pretty good but I really dreaded seeing stupid Sebastian Smythe. 

He always has this blank, deadly glare. Stares right into your soul... I wonder if he crushes up sleeping pills and snorts them.... HAHAHAHA

I got out of bed and threw on my uniform. Dove was already out and about, as usual. I decided that I would skip breakfast and head straight to E.T, seeing as I had that 2 times today. 1st period and 7th. I was lucky that I didn't take art because then I would have to transfer out of Health with Ms. Obelia and I LOOOOOOVE Ms. Obelia.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face but today I decided to straighten my hair. I heated up my straightner and got to work. When I was done, I decided to put on some casual light makeup.

It only took about 20 minutes and then I was off. It was cold outside and it was only September. Well, it was about to be October, which is probably my favorite month.

I took a turn and went into the main hall where the chorus room was. A chubby boy with a friendly, welcoming look invited me in through the main doors. I scanned the room for any girls, and one person in particular.

"Looking for someone?" said a deep voice that was all too familiar.

"Ugh, you again. Listen, im just trying to get by in this school, and if you're going to make this mission impossible, then stay the hell out of my life." I snapped.

"YEEESH... Chill princessa, i'm only joking." he said, his green eyes searching mine for any sign of respect. He wouldn't find anything.

I rolled my eyes and walked toward another familiar face. "Why, hello there." said a very polite Michael Clifford. His blonde hair was messy, but still neat. His green eyes were cold, but warm. Oh, innuendos.

"You didn't strike me as the singy type." I teased.

"I'm not, more of a band person but they wouldn't take me application because the only thing im capable of playing is a guitar, both electric and accoustic, which they didn't want in their 'concert'" he said, offering a smirk.

"Interesting... Very interesting indeed." I said, returning the smirk.

Suddenly, a very deep voice filled the room. Hunter, of course. Sebastian got up to stand by him.

"Welcome everyone, my name is Hunter, this is Sebastian. We are the two main presidents of the Warblers. Of course, not all of you will get in, so be aware." 

Sebastian did the girls, there were 3, and Hunter did the boys, there was about 23.

When it was my turn, I sang Sweater Weather, and the whole room stopped to look.

"Cause its too cold, for you here. And now, so let me hold both your hands in, the holes of my sweater."



what did u guys thinkkkk?

I thought it was fabulous


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